How do you deal with stress?


I just think about that I can have it much worse, like people with physical disabilities, starving people…ex Think about them things, makes you think how good your life is. Life is to short to be all stressed out! Have fun and just let it rollllll

I’ve tried to start eliminating things from my life that cause me stress, but of course that can’t always be the answer. So I guess I’ll just go break shit.


typically go workout.
I did some power lifting in college so I guess I had a lot of stress back then.

funny thread…

stress just results from mental weakness. sure, everyone has it at some point, but you can minimize it. 01audi and way2slow are right on.

well i guess i’m mentally weak.


i have stress


just bang a dude or try something new …a chick


No stress here, bust way to deal with it is to never be stressed at all.



I’ve found that there are very few things in my life that are worth getting stressed out about at all. You just need to be laid back and deal with things calmly and not let anything bother you.

Living in Hawaii really helped me with this since everyone is so laid back there, but my life has become much better since I started being this way.


Well Mister, how does one achieve that?


Never let anything get to you. I don’t know if it’s some level of self control, but I do know it is easy and makes life a lot more easy too. Just learn to ignore things, move on, and be quick to put things behind you. As dumb as it sound I try to find the positive or something to make me laugh in any situation, no matter how stressful it is supposed to be.

As i was trying to say in my first post strees is simply a choice that one chooses. If you are stressed its because you want to be nobody can force you to be stressed. This is how i look at it and usually i can resolve it quickly. Also think about how crappy being stressed makes you feel them ask yourself how it is helping you and or the situation this helps as well. When all else fails put on some Queens Of The Stone Age in a room all alone and just dance really goofy like a type of dance you can only do cause nobody can see you. Im doing it right now lol always brings a smile to my face. Ahh back to my waddle arm flail move i just created. This rules


Never let anything get to you. I don’t know if it’s some level of self control, but I do know it is easy and makes life a lot more easy too. Just learn to ignore things, move on, and be quick to put things behind you. As dumb as it sound I try to find the positive or something to make me laugh in any situation, no matter how stressful it is supposed to be.


word, that is pretty true and it is really not that hard. people view this mentality as being a pussy or a pushover, but in the long run it definitely wins.


…Ahh back to my waddle arm flail move i just created. This rules



Never let anything get to you. I don’t know if it’s some level of self control, but I do know it is easy and makes life a lot more easy too. Just learn to ignore things, move on, and be quick to put things behind you. As dumb as it sound I try to find the positive or something to make me laugh in any situation, no matter how stressful it is supposed to be.


Seriously though works good too, and quite well. Usually though I drive out in the countryside in the southtowns.

Punching bag, bitch at the g/f, video games, aggressive driving while listening to Techno.

dawn… lets have 1 night and 4 hours and you will be stress free i garantee you that


word, that is pretty true and it is really not that hard. people view this mentality as being a pussy or a pushover, but in the long run it definitely wins.


Well there is a huge difference in just not getting angry or letting things stress you out and being a pushover/pussy. The two can walk a close line but please dont mix them up. Being a pushover will get you trampeled on in life IMO. Bottling things up and just not dealing with them is much different then being able to control the feelings themselves. I have a wrath for few to feel but none the less you must have it. I want to point this out cause i work with a big giant pussy pushover and everyone walks all over him and while he acts like its just no big deal this is no way to live. He is pathetic and will always be a great follower but never a leader so i guess its in what you want.



So i did not infact invent this move BLAST!!!

I hardly ever get stressed. No reason to get worked up over things, its not going to improve the situation :gotme:

Once in a while when I do, a few cold ones usually do the trick.

Rarely am I stressed but when I am I go to the gym and run for an hour then hit the punching bag. Problem usually solved.