How do you deal with stress?


i like to bang :gotme:

Make fun of people on the internet

Read books on Zen Buddhism and realize that stress is only an imaginary thing that i created im an attempt of self pitty. Oh and then i shoot stuff do burnouts bang sluts and shotgun beers.

punch midgets

I’m reading this right now:

Viktor Emil Frankl, M.D., Ph.D., (March 26, 1905 - September 2, 1997) was an Austrian neurologist and psychiatrist as well as a Holocaust survivor. Frankl was the founder of logotherapy and Existential Analysis, the “Third Viennese School” of psychotherapy. His book Man’s Search for Meaning (first published in 1946) chronicles his experiences as a concentration camp inmate and describes his psychotherapeutic method of finding meaning in all forms of existence, even the most sordid ones, and thus a reason to continue living. He was one of the key figures in existential therapy.

I grab a hammer and start braking shit. ONly when im at work or working in my garage.


And empty a bottle of jack and hit babies with it. :tup:

No stress here, bust way to deal with it is to never be stressed at all.

I get really quiet…usually get away from people and find something I like to do. Might be playing video games, messing around on the computer, sometimes a drive (not aggressive)

Summer - Get on the cycle
Winter - Go snowboarding

All the time - Hang out with a friend.

All of these things require mental attention, and are fun to do. Takes your mind off whatever and puts a smile on your face to boot. Worse thing for me to do is find myself being stressed, indoors, by myself, regardless of what I’m doing to get my mind off something.

word, hence the fact all of my posts are during work, generally directly after a meeting

i usually kick the shit out of my girlfriend when i get home after a bad day

WOW you must be stressed ALOT

130 on the highway, split some lanes, and flip off people who think their cars are fast!

throw toddlers down flights of concrete stairs, go to M&M junkyard and beat shit with other shit.

whats your name, HPW? im just wondering so when i see it in the obituaries i can point and laugh. to help me deal with some stress of course.

Well Mister, how does one achieve that?

beat off… often and aggresively