"How Do You Earn a Living" sticky


hell yeah my friend got 1000 mg pills he messed his leg up:lol::burnin::burnin::burnin::burnin::burnin::burnin: gimme ur adress ill b there in like half an hour i fly places i bet you take one of these bitches and itll be ur last head ache

sure why the funk not

Camp Taji, Iraq
APO AE xxxxx

30 min or less and its free?

no dammit its 20 minutes or its free from the time that i freakin feel like delivering!!!
now i wonder if i can mapquest this…

buf buf ny
im a mofukn debt collecta biatch!!! no really i am a whore. bad pay, shitty work enviroment, and at the end of the month i get bent over my desk and tossed a 20.00 for my services but hey atleast i know how not to pay my bills? right

Its realy not that bad

Adam K.
Bucks motor sports
bike/sled/ATV tech

All info is on the site if I am correct
I will say i love my job, I work on toys and have an great friendly staff almost family

Fucking Target…

Updated for current:

Ryan McElhenny
Network Administrator
DuPont Fabros Technology
1212 New York Ave. NW Ste 900
Washington, DC 20005

didnt realize you were in dc, good luck, ryan.

Wrench Turner
Frontier Station

I live off your tax money

i work for cameron compression systems and i get to build turbo’s larger then most peoples houses and weigh about 70,000 lbs when complete.:slight_smile: Centrifugel compressors are some baddass machines. I finaly have a job that pays good and i can be proud of.:slight_smile:

professional snowmobile racer
Polaris Industries
wausau, wisconsin

my day job in the winter is mon-fri ride/practice and endurance train at the gym… sat-sun i race across the northern usa, and canada.

ever take out sledmire?
I’m parts manger now :frowning:

professional deep sea basket weaver

Time for an update.

Hamburg Police - Intern
Retail Store (Can’t say where) - District Loss Prevention Investigator

Any open spots? Sounds like fun

I fly a private Jet (citation CJ2) and stay in nice hotels a few times a month, weekends I fly parachuters and teach people how to fly, not a bad gig

I worked there 8 years ago in the Aero Engineering Department, under Jim Hitt (he still there?) designing the impellors that you wrench on.

Looking for a private jet for the 1st week in February '09 to Las Vegas. Have any connections?

What size, we have sentient membership…it’s about 25k one way