"How Do You Earn a Living" sticky

I’m an under paid Phone Monkey for Navy Federal (NFCU) Mortgage

Have you smacked my bitch up lately?

Name: Dan
Company: JPMorgan Chase
Location: across the street from howie
Field: Client Information/Client Relationship Management
Type of work: Reporting, programming, project management, etc.
Who in this thread I would trade with: Locutus

name: AKA: RO
Place of work: adelphia comm.
Job: Technical Support Rep (TSR) AKa: REBOOT monkey
Where: waterfront
:snky: other source of income : hustle that washington heights purps

My job is simple, you call and say " i cant get online" as soon as you say that ill tell you “disconnect the power from your modem for 30 seconds” then 30 seconds later your online by magic, and if that dont resolve the isssue i transfer the call to another person to have them do all the work for example ghettostyleTA :lol:.

Cad Designer/Freelance 3D Artist-Designer
XXXX Design Company/ Preimere Design Solutions (my side/home buisness I’m just starting to get the ball rolling on)

I prefer not to list my full name/number/day job… could cause un-needed problems

Name: Sean K
Place of Work: University Police - UB
Job: Public Safety Aide - General office work/Dispatch assistant
Where: Bissell Hall - UB North Campus

Steve Knight
Propulsion Engineer for Boeing
job is pretty self explanitory… we make aircraft engines and we make theM have the power to go forward…

we have a catchy motto… but it sounds lame so i will spare the efforts.
id post my phone number for the job but the automotive field would have little use for my line of work.

so literally, you’re a rocket scientist.

close… they are a few steps above what i am.

i just figure out how to make them go faster and how to make a plane get off the ground quicker.

altho the question i get asked the most no matter where i go is, there was a movie die hard, where the guy gets sucked thru the engine.
i get asked if that could really happen…

the answer is simply this, when that engine gets going i would not want to be anything floating in the air that gets in its way., yes it will suck you in an yes it will cut you into nothing with minimal damage if any at all.

If a plane is on a tredmill…

well i guess i would have to ask what a plane would be doing on a treadmill, other then crushing it.?

lol @ joe :lol:

he’s talking about a thread from a while back

what thread? as i am now interested? mainly because i am lost here as to what you are all referring to

Sales & Applications Engineer
I sell “Wet Sacks” for Niagara Blower Company.

Actually WSAC, wet surface air coolers.

Large cooling/condensing towers, they could be small, but mostly big.

name: Allison
place of work: CDS unistel
Postion- Assistant residence manager
Fairport, Ny

I am the assistant manager of a group home, where 12 adults with developmental disablites live.

she also hates old people

No I don’t!

Matthew Stein
Currently an unemployed automotive technician
my friends and I are in the Beginings of opening a shop.
4FIVE6 performance. We will be mostly a performance and fabrication shop located in lower Westchester Co. If anyone needs any work done to their car… just PM me. And If anyone knows a garage for rent in Westchester or in NYC lemme know.
Attended 2 years at SUNY morrisville for auto tech and now just finishing up at Lincoln tech in Mahwah NJ.

So was this a bad idea? lol

Me standing in a Boeing 777-200 engine.

Chris Pelletier
Site Supervisor (Durez Corporation)
Securitas International
716-874-4303 (Main Office)

We do contract security for events, institutions, building sites, schools, factories, any anthing else that can be secured

Anybody looking for “paid study time” as i put it, or hard up for a job give em a call.