How do you feel about Pepboys

lol, im putting my two cents in…since I WORK THERE. I’m with you on that girl, she’s obnoxious, bad attitude and no courtesy. sorry that you had to put up with her, i do every day lol.

Dude I would hate to work there now. People there used to be so cool. I could get stuck in there for hours taking to people…now its like Get me the Fook out

BTW-what the hell happened…all new management or something?

yeah our front desk is…hmm idk how to put it, lacking skill necessary to manage. I haven’t been there too long, but in the time i have, i’ve noticed that theres definitely room for improvement

You could care less, how much less could you care?

Sorry English major as a roommate got me with that for 4 years.
I could not care less. Implying you don’t care much about the topic.

I don’t know if I would get pissed, but considering that they are supposed to take returns on open products, and give store credit (or even take a restocking fee) then i would definitely argue my case and want to return the product that I never used.

Big Ron…haha thanks


I don’t like pep buys but I’ll go there. It’s only a mile away.

Most of the stuff is overpriced compared to autozone or advanced.

Also, if ANYTHING is on “SALE”, it’s not really on sale all they do is mail-in rebates on everything. HATE THAT…

My brother started working at one about 6 months ago. He didn’t know shit about cars when he started. I think alot of the problem is they have people working there with no experience. You don;t need to go through any kind of automotive training. He’s getting better, still pretty unhelpful though :).

I used to enjoy pepboys back in HS (before most of the ricer shit showed up there) since, like you said, they carried a lot of things that, at that time, could only be purchased from magazines and mail order.

now a days, I wouldn’t go there unless they had something in stock that I couldn’t get anywhere else.

I never liked PepBoys. The one in North Buffalo employs non-car people.
One guy there looks like a serial killer. They never leave the counter to help you. Basically glorified cashiers.

I go to Advance on Niagara in Tonawanda. Very knowledgeable there. And better pricing.

I’ve had numerous dealings with most of the locations. I would have to think long and hard as to wether i would ever bring my personal vehicle to any of them.
Oops you’re talking parts- Ummm still no

BTW their head office people are difficult also

fuck you to I used to work there lo. but seriously the place is shit. you really have nothing to worry about i used to go to the sales side from service just to fuck with people. I remember we terriorized this old man so much there.(we were whispering his name into the loud speaker) he told me he thinks he was going crazy.

i never wan into you unfortunately. There is a lot of unnecessary parts being put on cars at these places. that is all will say for now. we also once started a jeep on fire in the parking lot and had are jobs threaten if we mentioned it to the customer.

is this a really freckle face girl? makes you wanna vomit upon site? A girl beat her up at work it was pretty hysterical

my uncle used to be the manager of that store. he left a few months ago. someone from the store itself was given his job and they brought her in from the elmwood shop i believe. she blows.

i love my uncle but i’ve never trusted any of his employees to work on my car.

I’ve been there twice in the last 5 years.

Once for that great sale they on the goodyear cordless impact wrench, but they were out. And once for set of HPS pads because they were the only place that stocked them.

Otherwise I avoid Rice Boys like the plague.

I find all big box part store chains the same. Great if you need something like brake pads for a 2 year old Camry or a beater car as the prices are CHEAP. However, when I need something where I am asking for a grade 8 bolt, 1.25 pitch, I go to Napa in Hamburg. They actually know more then what the computer will tell them, if the computer at Autozone/Pep Boys/ Advance says my car has 6 wheels, well then it has 6 wheels. I tried to get I think it was a set of pads for my old 4000 Quattro and the guy insisted my car was not a 5 cyclinder. I then tried to tell him the only way the 4000’s came in Quattro was with the 5cyc.

Totally love pepboys!

I get all my aftermarket stuff there. I love their stickers, rims, and steering wheels…


Advance Auto is 5 seconds away and has far less retards / 15 yr old employees.

I go to Autozone in NT if you go see Jamie he is awesome.

I went to pepgirls once for tires for the mini… they took the car for a test drive while i was sitting inside and my new tires where still leaning against the counter… flipped out and never went back.

^ I had to get DRs mounted there once, I took the wheels off the car & brought them in the back of my truck.