how do you get black wheel bearing grease out of a light green rug?



wash it with some sort of shop floor degreaser ?

ive used industrial stength tire cleaner to get grease out of nice clothes before, done it alot on my tan hoodie and it always worked pretty damn good

ok, let me add that i’d like to maintain the integrity of the rug.

what about a steam cleaner? can it do something like that?

strong degreaser, but it might bleach out the rug depending on how the rug was dyed.

otherwise youre pretty much fucked.

Uncle cleans rugs, in and around Hamburg. If it is in need of a major cleaning he may be able to take a look at it.

See if you had a house you would not have car parts in your living room.:biglaugh:
Reason number 269 to buy a house.

greased lightning or awesome(dollar general)

It’s an area rug. It’s not super dirty, but someone walked on it with a greasy shoe, so there are a few shoe prints on it… It wasn’t super expensive (as rugs go) but i think i was about 150 bucks…

GREASED LIGHTNING CLEANER…I used it all the time on my rugs when the cats throw up…it doesnt hurt the rug

gasoline and a match

brake clean…im serious

It will never be the same, oh and for $150 that is expensive as hell :eek:

Hey Newman, try Purple Power. I know its some kind of degreaser to get oil stains off driveways, but give it a shot. Ive used it before on my clothes, and the shit works awesome.
Just dont let it sit there too long. You might also want to mix it 20%PP + 80% water.

HOpe it helps.

I get mine from PepBoys.



cherry pop…and some soap

Fire will do the trick…

I would try brake cleaner.

oxy clean