How do you like your steak cooked?

Vote your general way that you like your steaks cooked?

I dont know why some people have to burn everything to eat it.

where is the poll…Medium

it depends on the quality and cut of meat.

I normally do medium rare… and since I tend to like it a little more rare than that, I voted rare.

where the hell is medium rare?

medium rare…mmm

Seriously…Med Rare is the way to go

medium rare

really, why?

+52398523 for medium rare

i like to shit blood after, rare!

Med rare FTMFW

Rare enough to be delicious, but cooked enough where it wont give you worms :wink:

+73238523 for Medium Rare

i voted medium but what i really meant was medium rare.


the better the cut of meat is the more flavorful it is, and the more you cook something the more the flavor is lost.

I prefer Boston Blue, but since most places have never heard of it I go Med Rare to Rare…

on a side note, the Boston Blue filet from Mortons is amazing.

I want to still hear it mooing…

wtf is boston blue?

i prefer med rare y0


I like to ensure that the cow is dead. Medium to medium well for me. I can deal with just a hint of pink in the center.

My father… his usually response when asked how he likes it cooked is “burn it!”. :bloated: