How do you like your steak cooked?

Love my steak medium rare, my burger medium well.

medium-well if it’s a very tender cut

medium if its a little more chewy

:clap: people like you are why crappy cuts of meat exist… you wouldn’t taste the difference anyway

as far as I’m concerned the cow was dead, which is why it fell over onto the grill briefly on it’s way to my plate… how brief depends on what part of the cow.

exactly… but at the same time, the lower the quality the more you want it cooked and shit in / on top of it to add flavor etc…

is sort of like ask if you like your wine chilled or at room temp. if you only have one answer then :fail:


Just run mine through a warm room.

medium rare


i’d be happy to trade anyone that eats it well an old shoe for their steak, before they ruin it…

I want blood to splatter when I cut into it.

I voted well. No blood. Not dried out either though. More or less between med and well.


eating Tubesteak does not apply

medium rare


I voted rare though.

Voted rare, but with all the other men in this thread


medium rare here but that wasnt a choice so i pout medium .

Worst Poll EVER

Medium Rare > *

medium. just had a ribeye from chophouse saturday, mmmmm

Same if its steak.
Burger I want it well done.