How do you save money?

Cooking my own meals and going out less has saved me a shit load of money.
Buying in bulk seems to help, but not everything should be bought in bulk.

i steal from the rich, and bitch slap the poor

Yeah, -1 for carrying around a briefcase sized box of heavy flow tampons

I totally read that too fast and thought you said “they have to pay if the hula-hoop doesn’t fit” lol…

I save money by making my own lunches at work most of the week… It probably saves my $50-$100 a week.

i save money by putting 15% of my check into my tsp, and another $50/wk into my saving account until it hits 5 figures and i can transfer it into a higher yielding account.

I don’t really save money…As I’ve found myself with more and more money as I’ve grown I’ve had to really find interesting ways to waste it: watches and custom clothing though has really helped me out.

edit: recently my work has forced me to put the max ($15k) into my 401k or else they’ll withhold bonuses :lol: Although this has removed all internal pressures i’ve had to save any money, so really it’s a win for me

i ride my bicycle to work and aound town. my car stays parked for weeks. its great i have easily save thousands of dollars this summer.
plus not being able to drive my 240 saves me alot of money too hahaha cuz i dont have to get new rear tires every saturday

Dollar Tree for general cleaning supplies, candy, snacks, and such.
Save-a-lot/Aldi’s for food unless I need something special. (+$100 there goes a long way compared to say Tops.)
Ride a bike/don’t make car payments unless you really need something like that.
Drive the speed limit, when you do drive.
Don’t eat out as often.
Women are expensive.

Put the rest in savings/funds/etc., profit.

are you saying that you’ve switched to :skunk: to save money?

I save money by having my company pay for breakfast and lunch

I really should come work for you. Sigh i dont want to do sales again.

who the hell gave me -karma for saying I steal. Kids nowdays I tell ya.


i take money from poor people.

and why don’t the FGGTS & pussies SIGN THEIR NEG KARMA?



I did not read any of this thread, but why the fuck would you feed your dog and cat shitty food from the dollar store?

I do. :snky:

ask just karter

by switching to geico…

wtf where was that one

I save money by cutting down the amount of time i shit a day to 2 or 3 - less TP