How do you save money?

I bring my lunch most of the time instead of going out.That saves a ton of money.
Ride my bike most places if its decent out.Saves a decent amount of gas.

i bring lunch everyday. usually dont go out to dinner or order either. not a big fan of going hard and partying hard 4 times a week blowing loads of $$ on booze a night.

own both my cars

i make a lot more than my bills add up to on monthly basis.

They have “premium” dog and cat food… like Purina Benefel… It’s just cheaper. I wouldn’t feed my animals a no-name brand.

And Justkarter, BC is covered under insurance. And I don’t live in a duplex. And you weigh over 300 pounds, so stop fucking with me, because you’re going to die of a heart attack. And if you don’t stop, I won’t feel bad.


Paul - Don’t you still live at home though?

in or next too a duplex is the same thing.
I can lose weight youll always be ugly and have HPV.
Health insurance or is it government funded?
If you pay for it you just found another way to save money, by not paying for it.

I save money by putting 116 octane fuel in my SUV (range) just for fun.

He does but he’s out slangin’ that wang so much it’s like he lives at 100 dirty sluts houses.

I HATE YOU. Go lose weight and shut the fuck up. God. You’re worse than ineedacar. Do not single me out, you lard ass. And don’t go saying shit that’s not true. lKJDLKJFD. And no, it’s not government funded, assfuck. I’m on my mom’s insurance until I’m 25. :slight_smile:

I don’t put tons of money into a car to make it .2 seconds faster in a 1/4 mile.

It’s hard to save money while in college though. If I want anything nice I have to work my ass off and have no free time.

Would probably be easy if I never had to move out of my parents house, but nothing I can do about that.

yeah i do the exact opposite of all that lol

Getting a better job which pays more and spend the same $$$ as I had when I had a shit job.

I don’t spend my money on useless shit.

You know, if you just live within your means of income, it’s not too hard to save money. I’d seriously rec. anyone that can’t save to have monies from your paychecks automatically withdrawn and put into things like credit unions, savings accounts, etc. The best way to save is to not put the money in your pockets…

Dawn, you’re a girl. I’m willing to bet he’s 300lbs of virgin, and instead of blaming himself, he blames girls for not being attracted to him. In time, that blame caused spite, hate, and now has led to taking it out on a female figure through an automotive forum. This routine generally leads to the ultimate decay of character and negates the chance of anyone ever saying “well at least he has a nice personality”.
I.E.:fat, miserable, alone, hated.
It’s not you he hates, it’s the IDEA of you. To him, you are the imaginary embodiment of all things evil encompassing the female sex that refuses to play with his wiener.


back on topic.

I suck at saving money… but a huge money burner that most people don’t see is going out to eat. That can add up really fast, even if you just get a lunch a few days per week.

I drink Keystone…

I live with mom and dad

Bring my lunch to work everyday.

Don’t bring my purse to work…therefore I skip temptations like Mr. Dingaling ice cream every friday, order out friday etc…

A couple savings accounts
Going to Planet Fitness for gym & tanning 20 bucks a month instead of some gym that is like 2K a year…

Word, me to! :slight_smile: Plus a car with a magical free gas credit card. Saves me…tons lol

Yah, I love my dog, f-that cheap shit.

I generally have 20% of my pay go into my 401K (bonuses included because they tax the poop out of them in NYS.)

I suck at not putting money into my vette…oh well… maybe i’ll buy a Zo-sick now that I can get a brand new one for 62K :slight_smile:

I’d still like to put a 427 in my c5 though…