How does one measure wealth


Yeah, a few things:

  1. I financed it, and have debt…but can fool people into thinking I’m “wealthy”
  2. I’m truely financially stable and paid cash.
  3. Parents covered it…I can’t support myself.

I drive a Taurus SHO and a fox body Mustang…doesn’t really scream BALLER status. But at 24 I bought my house and have covered my own bills since I was 18…I have a feeling of wealth based on what I’ve accomplished in my life given the cards I’ve been dealt.


agreeed… not to mention the whole lease vs bought thing… lots of people dont own the possessions that they drive. not to mention living at home with parents makes things SO much easier…

Although i dont live at home, I was blessed with parents that got me to where I am today. However the bike and cars have all been out of my pocket