how fast have you gotten your car?

right after i fuck your ugly ass wife/whatever hahahaha

well ya know what they say about uglies…takes one to know one…

wow, that was pathetic, seriously there are mentally challenged 4 year olds that have better come backs than that.

Just in case you missed it the first time.


mad hawt.

“i drive a BMW because i have to compensate for my small penis”

yee haw!!! eryting is bigger down in te-has…the egos, the women, the incest rate…

ahh, there we go better, quite pathetic, but still better. So back to how poor and ugly you are. Also back to the fact that low 14’s is now fast. Fuck, my 42 year old, relatively stock car, is faster and in better shape than your car. No ego, you just suck at life.

PS, if you are going for the “Te-has” was to say/spell, its actually Tejas…
Uhm, You live where again as well? I am not sure, but if you notice the amount of quality of woman in middle of fucking no where sucks.

Also if you actually has stereotypes right, its Porsche owners with small wankers, BMW drivers are assholes/pricks.

I actually think you are the first person to fuck up that many insults in a row. You are fucking pathetic, so go back to your $7.15 an hour job at Wal-Mart and live your shitty life in your shitty trailer with your shitty car.

meh… he got old

o look hes getting mad and trying to make fun of us…how cute

why is he banned??? it’s hilarious watching him getting everybody pissed off…

You’re my hero.

Boooo. :frowning:

god dammit there goes my fun at work…

it was gettin kind of boring thoough

thats the one. :slight_smile:

Not too far from there is my “testing” road. :wink:

which is that?


ya wtf why is he banned?!?!?

i wanted to call him ugly some more.

he’ll be back dont worry haha think of things until then or somthing :stuck_out_tongue:

what did he get banned for?

do you like my new sig?