How I totaled Dex's Bike

Dont you people know anything about jay wonch?

He has no arms so he cannot ride a bike.

False story suckaz!

This thread is JJ approved.

makes me think of

“fuk your couch nigga”

-why you do that to eddie’s couch
“cause he could buy another one”


its hard to believe this is real

this can’t be real.

i mean, but - this is nyspeed… :gotme:


The image of Dex choking Jay home simpson style keeps replaying through my head.

squid :fail:

but seriously, thanks for totaling that bike. It was bad luck anyways, and you don’t even want to know why…

^my buddy right here totally needs a custom title that reads “custum title”

if this is real, and its an f3 or something, let me know ill buy it cheap. i want something cheap that i can register

This thread had some promise… I kinda feel let down :shrug:

I am glad everybody is OK though!

I almost died threads are for squids.

When Dex kills Jay I don’t think that qualifies.

So you have the old lady herpes?

I would be more surprised if this was not true.

If said dude hit jay then meh, shit happens at least you are ok, this is Karma for the are you ok thread, and I know you understand that :wink:

Things break, now dex can get the vespa he was destined for that no good, no wheelie havin, gay sex makin, slow mother fucker, brown town


It’s true.

Dan’s still pissed though. We were supposed to meet up last night to talk about it but he never showed up…then called me later in the night and told me he didn’t “feel like dealing with me”

So i’m going to take care of all the insurance stuff…:frowning:

:frowning: awwww jay

just give him the 850?

derrrr!!! :lol: . I think I read Jeg’s “My boss is an A-hole.” thread right before i was in here.

hows that going for you?

Theres nothing to post. It looks like a regular bike…with a cracked front fender.
It doesn’t look “totalled” parts are just expensive.

Who you tryin to mess with esse?

what about the bent forks?

holy wheel?
