How I totaled Dex's Bike

So Dex went on vacation for a week and left his bike at my house. He asked me if I could drop it off somewhere to get the chain replaced while he was gone and said I could ride it for my trouble. No problem, what are friends for but to fix whatever it is you drive while they’re out of town. Right JJ?

So I was driving down the 90 on my way to work last week and got off at the Cleveland Drive exit. I made a right and stopped behind a cube van at the light on Cleveland and Beach. I wasn’t too close to this guy, but we were at the light, so I was closer than I would have been if we were actually moving. He started to pull forward and since I couldn’t see the light over this big stupid truck I assumed that the light had changed. I put it in gear and inched forward when this guy had some sort of change of heart and decided to slam on the gas in reverse. The cube van had a metal step off the back and it fit perfectly between the headlight and the tire of the bike. He probably hit me at about 10mph. So after some pounding on the van and honking the super effective horn that most bikes come with :rolljerk: he stops after pushing me back about 10 feet and then pulling me forward about 10 feet. He gets out of the truck and lost his fool mind, screaming at me about how I was too close. I gently reminded him we were at an intersection and he got a little more upset. We exchanged information and he then decided he wanted to just pay for the damage. I told him the broken plastic fender would probably be about $150 and he said “fuck it, i’ll just call my insurance company.” (I wouldn’t have let him just pay me for it anyway)

So the bike seemed fine and I took it to work and then to Hamburg Honda the next day for an estimate. The bike was still driving fine at that point.

I left it there overnight and a few days later got a call from the insurance agent that was there taking pictures of it.

Bent front forks, cracked front cowl, bent radiator, bent rim, big gash in the front tire, and a few other minor things.

10 MPH will fuck you up apparently.

Alternate Story: If that story is too boring for you, I was doing 12 o’clock wheelies on the 90 in rush hour traffic naked, while having sex with a 16 year old and hit an old lady walking on the side of the thruway as I was swerving in and out of traffic on 1 wheel, Whooliebeen style. The old lady then joined in and it was a three way.

Oh, and I’m ok.

Well, at least you’re okay. A van is a lot of metal.

:lol: Tell me that this thread is how Dex is going to find out! :lol:

damn, Glad your OK. I wonder who will be at fault? did he admit to backing up?

He admitted to it. His insurance company is taking care of everything.

This thread is how Dex is going to find out.

Heard yesterday. Worked out well for him if you think about it. Sucks that he won’t have anything to ride for the rest of the year though. :frowning:

Thank you.



you sir are my hero

so are you OK?

hahaha wooow


Holy shit, though. Must be human instinct to get pissed when you’re the one that made the boner.

thats amazing. hero for sure.

glad to hear your ok dad

oh dear. glad to hear you are ok.

and lol at the thread.



Totally out does the entire OP.

Glad you’re OK.

hot damn. I hope the old lady was the 16 y/o’s grandmother, otherwise that’d just be disgusting.

subscribed for dex’s discovery…

I have some KY if you need it …

good thing he hurd you and did not take you for a ride when the light turned green

is this a joke? i want to get my bike from you tonight. i just got back from vacation.

:lol: :bigclap: