How many of you heat with natural gas?

We have a large natural gas deposit on the land we own.

The gas company actually pays us. :slight_smile:

You knew someone was going to call you on that post because if i didnā€™t know you I would have.

+1 on the fireplace. Need to find a good chimney sweeper.


ā€¦Yeah I heard of this. Good stuff. Plus, my place now has full insulation, so compared to my last place that was drafty and had a retarded heater, it should be a much cheaper heating year.

low gas price, low natural gas and the dow at 11.7k, maybe ill get a job this winter :lol:

score yeah!

More $$$ for the tire budgetā€¦ :tup:

I noticed the price drop on my last bill, I periodically check how much per ccf I am being charged. Last year it was $1.60 and even higher, the most recent bill had it at just under a dollar.

Maybe my house will get better mileage this year so I donā€™t have to fill my tank as often! :lol: