How much did your January cable bill increased?

Just wondering.

Mine jumped from $130 to $140 :retardclap. Going to cut some service when I pay my bill.

i canceled HBO and got that turbo shit… so samesies

Im going to cancel the cable service and just get internet, i never watch tv anyways

I cancelled my digital phone to deflate my bill a bit. TWC are freakin’ robbers without guns.

vonage FTMFW

^ I was going to try Vonage but between my work cell and my personal cell a third phone is just overkill.

Eff paying for cable… get yourself a sat. dish and a cool sat reciever… Download the sat. files and get what your paying 150 a month for, for free… Initial cost is about 250 for the reciever, and the price of the dish depending on what one you buy… FREE TV FTW!!

That’s illegal ya know.

so is the possesion of your marijuana… care to debate?

oooooooohhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh got ya benny


Yes but your stealing carries a heftier fine/sentence. Presuming he has less than 25g and no paraphanelia (sp?) :smiley:

fuck yeah de-criminalization

isn’t it only a more hefty charge when you’re DRIVING with paraphernalia(*)?

It may be not 100% sure, I know for sure under 25g is a fine for first and 2nd offense maybe 3rd too but don’t hold me to that, and I heard paraphanalia is a misdemeanor not sure if it only applies to while driving.

yup this thread went OT fast

127.95 to 139.99

focking gay

i have a direct tv dish and receiver box x2 i am willing to part with for the sattelite fans…

I have Road Runner Turbo.

The line comes into my room, goes to a coax splitter. One end comes out and goes to my router, the other end comes out and goes straight to my LCD HDTV. I get Fox, CBS, ABC, NBC in HD…as well as National Geographic, NBA TV, and a bunch of other stupid channels in regular.

Done deal.

Honestly, that cracked me up