How much do you have in your "street car?"

no comment. and …u need more brackets :wink: it needs to end.

no comment. and …u need more brackets :wink: it needs to end. mines over a course of a few years though. if i were to add up what is currently on the car… nm i dont wana

Including repairs, probably around $7K.

I’m the only one in the 5-10K bracket??? Fuck…
edit: supry must not have voted.

definitely somewhere in the last 2…

i get taxed on any parts a buy. it’s a special tax shops decided to put on everything it’s called “corvette tax”

20K+ not including repair cost.

Eclipse: 20K+ not including repair cost.

shiet i dunno, 10k?

Oil changes… so like $20 over the last 6 months

under 5,000 for a V-8 swapped S-10

without the cost of the car probly 15k into the motor and then another 10k for everything else in a period of about 5 years

Subaru - $350
Shadow - $300

read much? :tup:

Old cars

Eclipse - about 12k + car
Audi - 4k + car
Subaru - 300 + car

And of all of them, so far the Subaru is my favorite! (and the only one without a turbo)

reading hurts

i guess u can consider all registered and insured cars “street cars” but i assumed that u said that since u strictly run a track car.

but w/e, flaming is cool too

The firebird had about $6K worth of stuff into and done to it before it got torn apart…

Once I get the final OK on this new job, sell my house, and can start putting $$ and it back together, it’ll be an additional $15K+ easially…

the GTO: nothing (so far)
The Dakota R/T: i dont even wanna know
my possible project car i may be acquiring this summer: depending on the car when i buy it, maybe 5-6 grand over the period of a couple years.

A little under $6500 in parts. And still need suspension, wheels and a new paint job.

edit: added everything up. FIXED

i’m over 15K in the SHO. just the trans and turbo were 10K, and i’m sure i’ve got 5K in other stuff over the last 4 years.