How much does Hybrid charge for a dyno tune?

Anyone know off the top of their head how much Hybrid charges for a dynotune on an OBD1 honda chipped w/ chrome Pro?

Just give Denis a call at the shop. He will probably be able to give you a good timeline on when they dyno will be in the ground as well.


I called them they didnt answer or call me back. I got a price of $300 from Slowboy.

the phones should be up and working as of the beginning of next week

I would stay away from slowboy and leave it to the pro’s for tuning your Honda.

Well, I cant seem toget this terd to run right… I took it for a drive last night, the boost gauge said it hit 12psi, but it didnt feel like it hit boost at all… it runs rich as hell and I can hear the turbo spool… I dont know what the fuck im gonna do, I never really have time to piss with it.

They charge $400

turbo car is 400

all motor 300

300 to tune all motor? is that like a fully built all motor car? or just a bolt on car?

Also nate at slowboy does know his shit. i don’t know if anyone else over there does, but he just got through tuning my friends GST- 325whp
also been talking to him quite abit about the tune for my car.

Nate is good too…

Denis does know his shit no doubt…

fully built all motor car…Im not sure about bolt on

like a million dollars or something

don’t go to slowboy… If you don’t agree do some research on their track record.

I tune all the cars at Slowboy and I’m sure others can backup my “track record” lol.

Dennis is a great guy and knows more about Honda’s than I do, I’ll stick to DSM, EVOs, and Scubies…
