I have seen a few full size cheese buses and was wondering what I might be able to get for one scrapped? I know on Marillia they are paying $260 a ton. How much does an average full size cheese bus weigh in at? Are they made of shitty steel or aluminum.
Where the hell do you get a whole bus? I’ve only ever been able to find wheels…
They are steel and are probably 10 tons at least
Then it sounds like it could be anywhere from $2800 and under in scrap money.
i think Ive seen some on an indian reservation, not that you could take it.
the real question is, if you were to find one how would you transport it to the yard lol
pay to get it towed. How much could it be to have one of those semi looking tow trucks tow it?
Let’s say it’s 80 for a tow(I know it’s on the high side, just a statistic here.)
x6(from what i’ve heard). It depends on the price and I would pre-confirm that the price the scrappers are going to pay.
and you ate a whole wheel of cheese? i’m not even mad, that’s amazing.
most tows went up.
80$ might get a regular car tower, for one of those semi trucks, your probably looking at 250 plus mileage.
6 X $80 is what you are saying for a BIG tow? So $640 for a tow to the junkyard? Regardless if they are paying $260 a ton, and the bus weighs in at 10 tons you are still getting $2600, minus the $600 for the bus and minus the $640 for the tow, still making $700 for making two phone calls, or you could slap some plates on there drive it home and take a sawzall to it and break it down.
Im gonna make a few calls tomorrow and see what they say, will update in the morning.
unless you have a title not worth it. when i was at twin over the weekend they turned one away.
- edit: just a thought i have a plasma cutter and a trailer, we could work some thing out. i think that is what i heard the guy who had one was going to do.
lol what’s that from?
i dont think you can scrap it without the title. if you dont have a title, spend a day and a few beers just taking a plasma cutter or saw to it…i know there’s places that buy scrap metal, not necessarily in tack to make any object…
Anchorman, you n00b
Yeah, WTF are we talking aboot?
24 up, 8 downcheese bus
It’s the slang version for a yellow school bus.
Our class is going to Washington DC, in a yellow cheese bus!
tags bus yellow cheese bus school trips school the bus
by gerberkids Bronx, New York Jun 27, 2006 email it
- cheese bus
6 up, 5 down
a yellow school bus (with black windows)
oh man, we got to ride the cheese bus on our field trip
tags chese bus bus yellow bus chs school bus
by B.D. Willy Washington Feb 14, 2007 email it