how often do you shower?

Every day, otherwise my face feels all slimy and I just cringe. I don’t know how people can go to sleep gross and then not wash their sheets the next day…

ahem… i remember a smooth 3 weeks for yourself Mr. Jam…

^ almost 3 weeks… and my gf was out of town…


This washcloth you speak of…

Do you go from ass to mouth?

at least once a day…

with a loofa too… scrubs all the shit out. washcloths suck

people use washcloths?

I still find it ironic that you’re always dirty when I’m in town.

btw… this weekend :wink:

What the fuck do you do that you need 3 showers a day? You must be the sweatiest person alive.

I’ll wake up, take a shower, work, go to the gym, an I STILL barely worked up a sweat.

Does your ass always smell or something? I just don’t get it.

edit- I’d say I average 1 shower a day. Sometimes I’ll take 2 if I have to, sometimes I’ll skip a day if it’s on the weekend and I have nowhere to be.

like once every two weeks

twice a day once in the morning and once before bed time
