How often does Subaru do 0% financing?

Anybody pay attention? I don’t. I thought they just offered it recently, but I’m not sure.

Long story short it may be getting to be time to wave my magic credit card and turn wifey’s '03 Protege into a 2010 Legacy…

Any Subaru salesmen on here? Does Jeff/SI01 still work there or ever come on here?

keep an eye open for the next housing bubble to collapse here shortly after they run out of that Obama money… go in and talk to a dealer and ask if they’ve got anything coming down the pipeline, if they push the hard sale, walk out…

jeff does not work there any more… i do not believe they do 0% financing often or even at all.

Look like it happens from time to time. :stuck_out_tongue:

guess i was wrong

edit : seen your looking at legacy

Jeff hasnt been with Subaru for almost a year now.

my mom is a finance manager at one of the stores, i could get you friend/family rates, let me know before you go in and she can set you up with someone

This is a good website with program descriptions but keep in mind the programs can vary based on region:

The programs change month to month. You’re probably not going to see 0% on the legacy until next year sometime before the 2011s come out. Shouldn’t be too hard to get below invoice on the price if you work the dealer. If you have a chunk down and are going short term 2.9 isnt bad. It wouldn’t prohibit me from buying a car anyway.