Moved out at 18, rented a house with a friend and now I am in the process of getting my own apartment.
I’m not dorming at buff state, and have no plans at all to live in NY after graduation so I will stay at my home until graduation. I have all the privacy I need, no rules, nothing. Renting an apartment seems impractical to me since I’d only be wasting my money to live 5 mins away. I’ll buy a house in Maryland or Virginia when I move down there and rent out to pay towards the mortgage
21 and still livvin with the rents…looking into appartments bymyself tho for this summer, anybody have any tips??? places??
Went to school at 18, came home the summer I was 19 and the summer I was 20. When I went back for my Junior year when I was 20 I never moved back home.
It was kind of funny/shocking when it just dawned on me one night months later that I was never going to live at home again.
17, moved by myself a state away and lived intercity for four years. Grows you up quick.
17, 2 months after high school.
I had it made at home so I milked it as long as I could. When time was up I rented my first apartment at 23. Lived there a yr and a half or so. They sold the place I was living in so I moved back home for about 6 months. Regrouped and bought a house at 25.
- shared a 1 bedroom with a girl. That didnt end well. Moved home for a year. Now im back out in a 4 bedroom renting with some friends.
14, went to a boarding/prep school, then moved up to Rochester for college.
The same age I first stuck a broad. 17. What a year it was.
I moved out two months after I turned 19. I rent. I want to move back in. Ha.
One month after high school I moved to cali.
Both of my parents had passed away by the time I was 22 so I’ve been on my own ever since.
18 Buff State dorms.
20 Apartment off campus
Can’t wait to see this thread tomorrow once night crew starts replying.
“I’m 28 and still live at home. What BMW should I buy?”
I thought the trend of you youngins was to live in your parents basement till you are 30???
wow who knew
this is all day crew bro. wait till night crew starts posting.