How quickly a topic can go off-topic.

For one of my summer classes, Environmental Science, the professor opened a discussion online for people to voice their opinions on whether wolves should be reintroduced to NY, particularly the Adirondack area. Here’s my response:

I believe wolves should be reintroduced to the Adirondack region. There is an over-population of deer in the state, and reintroducing the wolves to the state can have positive effects in reducing the population of the deer. Deer are very common carriers of ticks and Lyme disease, thus if the number of deer are reduced, the risk of the ticks latching to humans and infecting them with Lyme is reduced. Also, more Americans are killed each year by deer than any other large American mammal. Wolves, although potentially dangerous to humans, will not be roaming around people’s back yards like deer have been, due to the small initial population that would be reintroduced. Also, there are many other mammals humans would need to worry about before coming into contact with wolves, such as beer, coyotes, cougars, moose, and the list goes on. The reintroduction of wolves to this state should be the least of our worries living here anyways.

Then some tree hugging whiner posted this:

Actually there is an over population of humans, not deer. Plus deer carry ticks right? Who cares, people carry aids, STD’s, and all kinds of diseases and other nasty habits. And deer in our backyards…maybe because its cousin used to live there before some developer came in and build 200 houses. Or their just running around trying to get away from humans. I know I am. I moved upstate to get away from the crowds. If you think there is an over population of deer than you should go where I used to live, there was probably 1 million people for every one deer you saw. We should open a hunting season against people if were so worried about population control.

My reply:

Care to elaborate with physical proof of the overpopulation of humans over deer?

Deer population in NY was around 20,000 in the early 1900’s, and currently there are well over 1,000,000 so that’s a 5000% increase over about 100 years (

Human population in NY was 19,378,102 according to the 2010 census. Population in 1900 in NY was 7,268,894 (U.S. Population by State, 1790 to 2015). That’s a 267% increase.

So again, what species is overpopulated in New York?

Then his:

Nice little research…but how would anyone know how many deer there really are? Do the deer hand in a census? To me a guess-timate holds no weight. Also who cares if there is such an increase in deer. The deer aren’t the ones who are on welfare, food stamps, un-employment, medicaid, out there committing murder, rape, robbery, not paying child support, polluting and littering…should I go on? One million deer compared to 20 million people is a ( in the words of Fucillo) “HUUUGE” difference. Who determines that the deer are “over populated” anyway? People who are inconvenienced by the deer eating some of their garden, or because maybe once in your life you might hit one with your car? Plus, we need one million bambi’s. Who else is going to keep all those trigger happy hunters entertained? Who cares about the increase rate? I’d rather see deer than people. Deer don’t walk around with their hand out.

And finally, my last reply to which I have not heard back from:

The argument you’re trying to use against me is the same exact argument I can use against you. Since the deer population can not be 100% accurately measured, you cannot determine if they are over or underpopulated. It seems to me that your main argument really is that deer are less detrimental to their own species. Yes, humans are on welfare, food stamps, etc (which really has nothing to do with our initial question on whether wolves should be reintroduced to the Adirondacks, mind you) and commit murder, fraud, and all other crimes that are defined in lawbooks made by humans. So it’s humans commiting crimes against humans. That will happen when the species has a more complex brain capable of extensive thinking, it comes with the territory. And about deer being an inconvenience… Along with deer walking around with their hand out… In the way you’re arguing, you treat the deer as if they were humans, thus if a deer is eating something out of someone’s garden, wouldn’t that be theft?

Trigger happy hunters? It’s a way to get food, and has been around since the beginning of time. All animals hunt for their food. Just because someone hunts, doesn’t mean they’re trigger happy. What’s next: reel-happy fishers?

Am I wrong here in that this guy is not providing any proof to his statements which are based on only his opinions? Also, if the guy hates humans so much and believes deer are so much better, why has he not offed himself?


While the guy has a point on human over population of the planet in general, this was no time or place for that discussion, he just sort of budged that in.

Wonder how the teacher is going to react or maybe even post.

Tell the hippie to off himself to lessen his environmental footprint. Then ask what color his Prius is.

Sounds like your hippy classmate is all butthurt about the way the world is today. Sorry, but we as a species are the apex preditor and dominate the other species in our environment. Oh well too bad so sad the moron should just kill himself if he feels that strongly about human over population. Also just my 2 cents, but if he is against humans fucking up an ecosystem would he want the wolves that we hunted to exstinction in the area 100 years ago brought back? Sounds like a grade A moron to me.

guy sounds like an obama supporter who is proud to have finally gotten off welfare, or “relocated” from NYC because he/she was ordered to do so by the court

I didnt read all of it, but I agree with you for the most part that Wolves should be reintroduced. They will help control the food chain in the wild.

wolves will be about as dangerous to humans, as foxes are…

wolves for the most part are nocturnal hunters. Unlike deer, you will VERY rarely see a Wolf or coyote in the day time…and if you do, and he is alone, chances are he is sick.

I watch animal planet and the discovery channel religiously, and the number of human’s even being attacked by wolf’s is so low, its not even worth discussing. More people die in a day by car accidents, then 10 years worth of “wolf attacks”.

wow tree huggers

Cossey I know what you meant to type in your initial response to the question but you mispelled a word and I cant believe nobody picked up the fact that you wrote “beer” instead of “bears.” LOL


The question was about re-introducing wolves into the Adirondacks not about the plight of humanity. Your classmate is not only a liberal douche but also unable to follow instructions.

trigger happy hunters will not run out of deer. They had a chart of human reproduction vs. deer reproduction in a 7 year span. Assuming people have twins every year for 7 years is 14 and two deer would make 32. Deer reproduce like mad. Hunting seasons are there for population control. Longer hunting seasons then they should think about reintroducing wolves. I do believe wolves could help with the rising coyote issues.

post that shit. and tell that tree hugger to go jump of a bridge into jagged rocks

they should introduce wolves up by my parents house, way too many fucking deer crossing the roads, less hunters now to hunt them and the popualtion need to be controlled.

i literally just had a fucking dear run thru my back yard while i was cookin on the grill . needless to say my kids screamed and my dog went after snapping the leash he was on . encon yelled at me for my dog goin after him because it was in a populated area , fat fuck should of dropped him then . hopefully my dog dont get sick as he had fur in his mouth but no blood i could see .

wolves area badass and thus should most definitely live here. preferably in my yard where they can feed on welfare recipients.

That guy dont like his own Kind He should just kill him self. Insted of crying about how their are to many people…

I agree, then I could finally sport this:

they should feed those yahoos to a pack of timberwolves for sure