How smrt is NYSpeed?

when did that start anyways?

Way back in ought-five.

2005 I want to say?

Edit: Beat.

750 math,

something a lot less verbal

best combined 1310 :frowning:

1330 SAT

30 ACT

oh yeah?

yep. i go on job interviews at least twice a year. the last two offers were well into 6 digits. my “interviews” are more along the lines of “full throttle recruiting efforts” where they pay me to come talk to them. But i digress.

In the end, i wear crocs, and that only fly’s in vermont. So meh. and due to the nature of my work, its better than any salary would pay. well into 6 digits is not worth the private sector headaches :slight_smile:

<3 :spunk:

I think we know what happened with the SATs

on purpose curb boi

lol, really? on purpose?