How the Big Boys Roll...

Nice, get it done!

Its never going to work, run away while you still can!!

Geez! and I thought I had a lot ahead of me with my heads, cam, intake, and rear suspension.

Nah thats weekend work :wink:

its 1dayaway is all it is

sorry, saw the opportunity, and i took it while i can :lol:

eesh… I know the feeling.

Get rolling or you will H.A.T.E. yourself later!

its ok bill im working on it while your in florida, it will be done when u return

hey thats not aquafina in that bottle

acetone :slight_smile:

kev…if it gets done, and it runs, yay :slight_smile:

dan, ugh the workload sucks, but i ALWAYS get my shit done on time. im starting to haul on it. my main goal is to get the pipes out to the coaters… after that, it should hopefully be downhill

Nothing like a little game of hurry up and wait! get that shit out so it wont hold everything up around the corner.

I doubt you have the really fun lead times like we do of “Oh… sometime this YEAR I’d say…”

well the actual jet hot boasts their fast turn around times. other than that, for the most part, it is all on my shoulders. everyone that knows me knows i have no patience and i am always two steps ahead when dealing with this car. i hate riding shotty when i should be driving my own car. that’s why for the last three, going on four years the car has been stripped down to nothing every winter, then returned complete, with a couple different setups, with the first spring crowd