How to Destroy a Clutch - by TurboLS1

I wouldn’t doubt that the burnout led to the failure. Excessive heat weakened the clutch discs.

Lots of power + torque = game over

Well the clutch burnout was definitely the deciding factor. I didn’t even know I was doin it. It probably just didn’t engage properly for whatever reason. That on top of the power And bam. I’m not even going to bother looking into it now. I have enough stresses in my life

Viper trannys are stronger. But as with anything in this world, some people get luckier with their equipment. My tranny is fine anyway

that viper was awesome.

Cant wait to see what bills car runs when it “stays” up and running <3

Lol. The sad thing is that in the 1-2 weeks total it’s out of commision Iay have missed out on 2 opportunities to drive it. Ugh. No time

i wonder what kind of clutch that viper has in it lol. The only good thing about dropping alot of money on a clutch off the bat is that normally big dollar clutches are designed to be rebuilt, which isnt nearly as much as the initial cost of the clutch assembly.

thanks for the useful information :wink:

i’ll tell ya how mine looks when i pull my tranny tomorrow.

Why are ya doing that? Call me about it tomorrow



from that oil leak still?

probably a good idea to check the rear main while its out anyway

That Viper scoots, 1:32 in :eek: