how to dispose of a mattress (queen)

i have a mattress in good condition, and its taking up space, and i want to get it out of my house… how would u go about it… its a queen

no stains in good condition

actually, my bed is super shitty… if it’s decent, ill take it.

but if it’s old/gross, just burn it or let it fly on the thruway!

hmm please post pics, i could come oout tomarrow ande pick it up

^^^ lol. what is this crap. are you lowballing my offer of 0 dollars?

  1. lighter fluid
  2. match
  3. open field

ill lowbal further … will, PAY ME $10 and ILL take it … lol

its not bad at all… i got it at teh beginning of the year from my mothers friend who kept it in their guest bedroom… its in my liviing room… i prolly ownt take pics cuz that takes time… but if you want it, it will be here until monday…

pm me a number

i live near ub south 14214… come n get it

or ill post pics of it up in smoke

pms replied… first one here gets it… or first to call

mattress gone pending first thing tommorrow am… thanks… this isnt how i expected it to go, but o well

damn u all

what the shit. i had first dibs. goddamn it

sorry i just want it gone… i posted originally first person to get it gets it…

if you wanna pick it up tonight its yours… if not… somebody will be here tomorrow at 11

FIRST COME FIRST SERVE… pm me with ur phone number if you want this TONIGHT

lol, b4newmanstrapsitonlotuslikechristmastree

I want to ride a mattress over the falls.

Put it up on ebay lol

create the father, the son and the holy spirit out of shit piss and vomit stains … claim that after a heavy night of drinking cheap vodka, you woke up to see “them” created out of you lack of control during the night, and that your drinkink / womanizing days are over

it will go for a million, i swear