Travis I’m pretty sure you or someone else asked this question on here before…
I litteraly have people walking in my store on a weekly basis angry or freaking out that their cursors are goign made, especially when they type.
They get kind of mad when I tell them its their own fault due to their palms touching the side of thr track pad :rofl
Unfortunately Palm check does not do much on some machines because a very light brush of the palm will cause it and sometimes it still happens. I notice it a lot on newer HP’s… I fucking hate their trackpads
Travis, turn off your track pad while your typing and see if it still happens, chances are theirs a button right about it thats lit up just press that then it will turn off, if its a new HP try the top left corner (tapping it once)
If not up in the function keys there should be a track pad “symbol” on one of them to turn it off…
what model laptop?
and JDaniels im guessing you get this question alot to? :rofl
I’m confident that my palms are not touching it because it NEVER does it on here (shift), and does it all the time on Facebook…
I’ll try it though. Give me STEP BY STEP directions on how to turn it off, because, like I said twice already, I have NO idea how to do that. It’d be like me telling you to go change the tire on a Saab 340B.