how to identify an EMO kid


god… what a retarded fad. Maybe I’m just getting too old, but I don’t get it

Heh. +1

Does emo stand for emotional or emotionless?

if they lookk like the grudge people then they are emo

odd how emo trends grew out of older goth trends, i will never truly understand this shit

the first image seems to be more of a modern punk look, than emo.

I thought emo’s just cried in the corner and shit?

since when were the ramones… emo

aren’t emo jokes getting fucking old yet?


:lol: @ emo wall

::returns to corner to cry & cut::

See? :tup:

//_-O <===8

? are you hitting on me?

eww boys kissing

i’m convinced this shit just exists in buffalo anymore and smaller suburbs

i have yet to see this outside our city in the last year…i think kids have moved on for the most part thank god

^ now if only the jagerbomb dude bros would follow suit

just post a picture of me in this thread and that about wraps it up. ::cries::

nope, trend is still going strong in Philly/ NYC as well.