How to install a baby seat in a GTO...

So I decided it was time I look it up :slight_smile:

Yep, baby on the way, due March 20th. Today we found out it’s a girl and everything looks good.

I’m 95% excited and 5% terrified.
Or maybe it’s 5% excited and 95% terrified.


Congrates on the Baby

Congrats!!! Now you just have to get a gokart for the little girl :slight_smile:

Congrats on the baby. I hope she’s a democrat. :mamoru:

I’m sure she will be, at least until she grows up and starts paying taxes anyway. :lolham:

What’s the min age for SCCA carts again? :slight_smile:


You don’t have to worry about car seats in the GTO… you have to worry about trading the GTO in on a Grand Caravan


lol don’t get a van.

get that sweet car seat bikerfly posted. hawt. :slight_smile: is the outline of the baby seat above, and this baby is bomb!

Lol… no way in hell.

Besides, the wife’s Expedition will be the main baby mobile. The GTO just has to fill in when needed.

That Recaro seat is only $250 at the first site I found it on. Hmm…

You don’t. You buy


Won’t tow my boat.

Forget it, it takes 5 minutes just to move the damn seat forward. lol (If you own a GTO, you know what I mean)

:word: power seats in a 2 door FTL

Yeah, thought about that. But rarely do I have a passenger, so I’ll put the carseat in rear right and just leave the front passengers seat moved forward.