How To make your own Boost Controller

I used it on the van, and it worked flawlessly.

Where exactly do you drill the 0.020" hole?
Is that a picture of the drill bit next to the 90* barb?
Is it pointing to where to drill the hole?

I don’t wanna blow up a $30,000 car with a $10.00 part…

MS Paint Photoshop on one of the pictures?

drill it at the top of the 90 barb, its just there to stop spikes

i dialed my boost in at the track, my one friend was like, Wtf are you doing, “adjusting boost”



OMG you trust your motor to that?


Yeah seen that others have had problems with the forge, thanks and thanks for the info on the Greddy. I do not have a flash yet, but I would really like to get a flash soon. I think dynolash only comes out for custom tunes with a min of 5 people. Maybe I will just send the thing in the mail next time the parents go on vacation so I can steal their car :tup:

Seriously, when you do that, let me know because we can just send the both of our together…

We can make it a groupie thang… :eekdance:

Hey IllestRolla247, elaborate on the “T” style…

If you could, do a write up on it as well. I would love to see if I could elaborate on the “T” style even more, maybe even custom make my own…

thats because your friend probably bought one, or made one with a 50+psi spring, and probably didnt test it.

but thanks for your input about a totally unrealted device.

Joes was the same one pictured, and like i said mine worked but Joe had issues with his.

duh, I was just pointing out that dawes device was another name for it :slight_smile:

I believe you can get them with a synthetic ball that is lighter and gives better response as well.

This device always gave me the most instant and steady boost control in my WRX, hands down.

The only downside is that it will also allow you to go full boost during partial throttle which can be very dangerous.

ah. i have seen with “L” shaped MBCs the spring get stuck if it was taken appart and not put back together properly. then you get lots of boost really quickly.

yeah i had to mess with mine a bit to make sure i didnt overboost when not needed.

very accurate tho

same design as the one i have… works like a charm except one time it got stuck when i was adjusting it, kept adjusting no change, then finally it got free’d up and was boosting probably around 25 psi saw it jump up to 20 not even full throttle and let off… oops (stock is 7, recommended max on stock fuel is like 12 psi :/)

edit: but once set its very accurate :tup:

I keep telling my self, don’t mod the DD. Don’t mod the DD, but damn I don’t know how much longer I can hold off on playing with the snail.

re-host your pictures fool

<3 mine, in the new van, but it does overboost in 5th

Good part number for higher rated spring? Say 40# max?

pics are back up. sorry about that.

i actually need to get a new spring for mine. i was going to pop into my local hectors hardware and talk to one of those old guys that knows everything. i figured he could point me in the right direction.

werd, lemme know what he says - i need it to be pretty accurate up to ~32-35# max.
