How To: Make Your Own Adj. Boost Controller (for under $20)

I’ve done it, and in 4 easy steps too!

Here goes:

  1. Locate the following:
    Vaccume line to actuator, some sort of inlet to your turbo intake (or make your own hole). This must be after the maf but before the turbo, a spot where you can mount the boost controller.

  2. Go out and buy these parts or ones that look just like them. I found all these at Canadian Tire. Do NOT buy cheap flexible hosing (as seen in the following couple pictures), the hosing is too weak for the valve you’ll be fitting it with. Buy the hard plastic-y stuff. You will also want to pick up some Gasket Sealant.

  3. You’ll want to set up the pieces as seen here. It is extremely simple, and I’ve even labelled everything for you.

  4. Assemble and enjoy. Don’t forget the sealant (the brown stuff) to make sure your fittings don’t leak!

Twist open for more boost, close tightly for the stock 7PSI.

Pretty easy? ya damn right.

does this work well, lol?

if it doesn’t then id have to say

pretty ghetto? ya damn right

haah no but really though im not joshing on your manual boost controller, ive heard of these done and they seem very unreliable like spiking issues…

much ‘respek’ for the diy boost controller though.

The problem with common DIY boost controllers is the fact that they are most always the “bleeder, not-recirculated type”.

I’ve fixed half the problem by recirculating the air bleeded out of the vac. line to the maf so that you’ll have less problems with your air/fuel ratio.

and it works.

If you must get a bleeder type boost controller: make your own, instead of spending money on one.

I do advise on purchasing an electronic one , adjustable wastegate, adjustable actuator, or ball and spring type as opposed to the bleeder type.

Timewise, this will take 1/2 an hour to complete tops.

You may have to do some creative routing and placing of the boost controller, or punch a hole in your intake but it’s easy to do and it works.