How to Polish Stainless Steel?

Is there a kit I can buy locally?

The parts are in ok shape, but I would like them to look mirror.

start with a 3M pad, the green ones. keep it wet and go in one direction only-like wood. that should get you close to clean look not quite mirror but more a machined look. I would then use perhaps a compound of some sort.


Maybe someone has a good write up somewhere, I guess I am looking for something more specific then sand, buff, compound, polish.

I’m polishing my stainless exhaust today and planned on taking pics and doing a write-up but here’s the process that a few friends have done and highly reccomended: Start off with 600 grit sand paper, then 800, then 1500, then 2000. Buy some Mothers Metal Polish and Mothers Red Ball (optional). The polish is what will make it shine but the red ball makes it about 20x easier they say but it’s up to you if you want to spend the $. I’ll post up pictures of my completed work.

you were wet sanding right?

I guess I’ll pick that power ball up today

hope that helps

wet sand from 600-2000, then polish your nuts off. ive always had great results with mother billet polish

billet Polish on Stainless?

I have the billet polish at home but wasn’t sure how it would work on stainless

Heres my finished work. Did exactly what I said before. I’m pleased with the results.

That looks great!

That exhaust looks awesome. Nice job.

nice work tommy :tup:

tommy you are one sexy dude. nice work!