How To: Remove rust - 7 different products.

Naval Jelly worked the best @ removal, and has a ton of uses on anything metal. It can be poured, rubbed, brushed on, or soaked - meaning you can apply it to anything as it is viscous. I imagine you could brush it onto vertical surfaces & such, and it’ll have a decent bit of retention. Think thick pepto bismol.

The por 15 has alot of uses, there is a link in the thread link @ the top of the first post, by Newman, to the data sheet. There are a ton of uses, though it may not be a pliable as the jelly. Also, it impregnates metal with a protective coating.

Mind you, both of these are pretty reusable too… after soaking the initial tools in the stuff, I simply removed those tools and added more. Still effective.

Very nicely done, Nick!

So far as Metal Ready goes, here’s the aforementioned data sheet:

POR-15’s product will also aid in conductivity for welding. It’s reusable, too, just keep it clean.

Nice job. :tup:

nice thread :tup: this will definitely come in handy for people on here


Good work

i told you naval jelly was the shit
:tup: good write up

por15 seems to be a damn good product too. i didn’t realize it had all sorts of other benefits.

Just stumbled across that :tup:

Ever since I brought my tools home from work they’ve been rusting up pretty good in the garage, I’ll have to get myself some naval jelly here soon and clean them up. Thanks!!

where can i purchase por 15 ? homedepot or lowes ?

search for it in posts by Violater or Newman

Does electrolysis in coke do anything to help/hurt rust removal? Or is it even possible to have electrolysis in coke?

You spent more on the rust removal products than you did on the tools!:fry::mamoru:

:tup: ill give this a shot since sears was not helpful today


^ i didnt want to have to clean… i just wanted new and shiny… to go in the new garage… :ohwell:

funny, someone just brought this up to me like a week ago too.

I wanted to add to this thread a little bit since through my work I am involved with large scale anti-corrosive projects and therefore have a lot of familiarity also with rust dissolving liquids.

Rather than suggesting individual products I’ll just link here to Cortec’s website:

I’ll grab a bunch of these and try them out on different stuff to show everyone how well they work and add to this thread a bit more.

Cortec is the international leader for anti-corrosive products. They make products that are used by everyone from the US, russia, china, germany, UK, japan, etc. Products are used to coat modern navy ships, army tanks, weapons, nuclear powerplant cooling systems (closed water systems), additives for russian oil pipelines to prevent them from rusting from the inside out, and on and on and on.

The company that I currently work for specifically does custom protective packaging using either modified atmosphere (nitrogen flushing) for things such as mothballed airplanes, jet/propeller engine change kits, and also Volatile corrosion inhibitor infused plastics (barrier and straight poly) for bagging things such as M16s, tools, car parts, and bearings for the GE wind turbines.

I know its slightly off topic but I figured I can offer some 1st hand experience with some of the products you used as well as advice as to how to prevent the rust from coming back.

my company:
Their anti-corrosion bags for consumers: