Do it yourself rustproofing

Anyone ever “rust proof” their car the Schmidts way, you know, spraying oil under the vehicle? Well I did last weekend @ my golf course. It has a large dirt parking lot, so I put my truck on ramps, got a old sprayer and had at it. I used old oil, drove around a while in the dusty parking lot to help “set” the oil. I think I got all exposed metal. The only problems were 1) The huge smoke screen trailing me from the course to home although I tried to keep it off exhaust, and 2) The dripping in the front of my house (& driveway) for the past 4 days! I bet my neighbors love me.
What the hell, it saved me a few bucks.

:lol: @ you using old oil

The shit those places use is almost like gell its thick…I have rust proofed cars with it before.

Oil is better than the thick stuff because the thick stuff cracks and lets water in and actually traps water in.
Just don’t let the DEC, EPA, etc know what you did.:biglaugh:

I was thinking about doing this myself actually. Wouldn’t oil be too thick for a typical garden/pesticide/home depot sprayer?

why not just go get the rubberized undercoating stuff they sell @ pepboys in a rattle can and do it up the right way

^Read my post #3.

what kinda sprayer, didnt the oil kinda gum up in there, or did it really spray.

didnt realize that is the same stuff they use @ smmitss

POR-15? you can brush that stuff on.

you are dumb for doing this,#1 it wont last very long. #2 its not good for the environment#3 Rust stop is guaranteed for life.

rubberized undercoating is crap. when it stops sticking (which it will) then it will trap saltwater behind it against the metal.

my buddy steve bought an undercoating gun from Eastwood. he threw away the undercoating crap and modified the gun to accept a mobil1 bottle. mix up some 40wt non detergent oil from tractor supply and some motor honey. it goes on like snot and you have to adjust the air pressure pretty low to get it to work. add some kerosene to thin it if need be. works AWESOME!


its not oil that they use, it just has a similar consistency.

its like calling piss mountain dew because they look the same.

I thought Mt Dew was piss?


i’ve had a few cars done at scmitts now. Definately worth the 100 beans if you plan on keeping a car through for a while, and have to drive it through winter.

maybe we can get a 12’x9’x1’ tub of oil with ramps in and out…then offer drive through service?


I think spraying oil under the whole car is retarded. Did you think this through at all? Should be fun to work on a car that has oil underneath. Dont you think this might increase the chace of your whole car going up in flames maybe? Oil burns, its like coating your car in gasoline. Sure it wont rust, but you have a good chance that it will burn to the ground.


“I have mountain dew or crab juice.”

[homer]Ewww. Yuck! Blah! Uggh! I’ll take a crab juice![/homer]

that’d be great for the brakes. do it.


scmitts: not oil.

scmitts: i’ve had my sisters car done twice now, and worked under it in springtime, no complaints.