How to sell my car in T.O....while I'm in Asia

This is tough for me. I had bought a fair condition SR5 AE86 with plans of modifying the chassis and swapping the engine. Now it looks as if I will be overseas for the next LONG TIME and the cart is sitting in my friends driveway. I need to move it. I need to sell. Problem is that teh ownership is in a box in Canada…and I am in China.

ANy ideas on how to do the paperwork?? I can sell the car pretty cheaply if the papers can be done. We can fax bills of sale, my ID whatever.


used car package?

Well, I know you can get replacement ownerships but you may need to be presant at the ministry to get them signed. Not sure. Call one up on Monday and talk to someone if you get a bitch who won’t help, call another one. Try the one in Grimsby, the guy has bad days sometimes but he will tell you the way it is.

Just get someone to act as an agent for the sale, all you really need is some form of paperwork saying that so and so person can act as your agent for the sale of the car while you are out of the country.

As far as signing the ownership when/if it sells, it doesn’t really matter if you are exact, just get him to copy one of your signatures (the one on the document saying he can act as your agent).

New ownership is easy, all you have to do is give the guy your full name and VIN number and he can basicly just “forge” a document and the ministry should give him a new Ownership. My buddy had to do it before.


I’ve bought cars from people legitimately where they either couldn’t find the ownership and couldn’t be bothered.

Go in to the ministry, explain the situation. They’ll print up a new copy (I think it’ll cost you $10)

If you have someone still here that can take care of the transaction, you can either FEDeX the ownership to China, sign it, fed ex it back and then the transaction can take place.

Orrr …

Just have your buddy sign it and don’t tell anyone.

yeah this is not a problem,

just have the purchaser fake the paper work.

after you get paid, get them the keys somehow and let them take care of the rest.

all they need to do is go to the ministry with a phony bill of sale with your name and phony sig on it.

with this they can get the ownership for $10, the actual copy is retained by the ministry, the copy is kept by the purchaser.

they can immediately trasfer ownership without safety and e-test provided they attach a title of “unfit” to the vehicle meaning it cannot be driven on the road at all, even with temp plate, until safet and e-test.

or they can get the one temp plate while it is still in your name and drive it around for 10 days.

if they do that they must date the bill of sale with in 6 days of the current day.

very easy dude…send someone who looks like you with ure ID to say u lost the ownership…get new one, and sign the back…done