How to steal the soul of an FD - SOLD

That fuel pump is a mother to get out, it has tiny screws/bolts/ holding it in, and if you strip them you have to drill the heads out, and try to “unscrew” them by just grabbing the little bit of stem that is left. You won’t want to drill through it, because all the crap will fall into the tank.

Your best bet might be to take the tank right out and drain it. Once you have that cover off, the parts cleaner should do a nice job on it, otherwise just sandblast it. Also I think it goes without saying that you should use new screws to put it back in place. Also the Fuel filter is located in a real shitty spot. Depending on how you run your fuel line you might wanna relocate it.

I believe the Fuel door has an “emergency” handle somewhere in the trunk just in case the lever in the front gets stuck, or breaks.

Also that front IC support looks like it was removed, you might want to at least stick a piece of angle iron in there to tie the front together, unless the new engine “cradle” will take care of that.
