How to steal the soul of an FD - SOLD


sweetness…although think of cleansing the soul of a tarnished defective heart

Messed around with the car for a bit tonight. Mostly just got it turned around in the garage to have some room to work on it and added lots of lights so we can see what we’re doing.

For fun, I set the CF hood on it and slapped a bumper on. Doesn’t look too bad!

A few of the parts I have…

Emptied the interior of spare parts (more or less)

More of the random parts I have

Not a very interesting update, we’re still working on getting the garage set up to be usable, but it’s getting better. Hopefully this weekend I can get the car on jackstands and check out the suspension/underbody and maybe start on replacing the front radiator support.

Nice man :tup:

But what are you building the car for? Straight line? Track? Street / daily?

All around nice and comfortable with a side of stupid fast thrown in there. Think 996/997TT - all around capable and lots of power, but still refined.

Awesome. That’s the same way I built my Z :tup:

Are you shooting to be done by spring? I wanna see this car vs. Adictd2b00st :slight_smile:

[quote=“Onyx Z32,post:46,topic:24871"”]

Are you shooting to be done by spring? I wanna see this car vs. Adictd2b00st :slight_smile:


Hoping it’ll be done by the end of April at the latest. Definitely definitely definitely want to cruise with Jay. I think I’ll need a cam or a bit more for that though. :wink:

So, I got a decent bit done today. 3 people working for about 4 or 5 hours. I’ll be back out tomorrow attacking the fuel system, hopefully with some heat for the garage this time. 15* is a bit cold to be laying on a concrete floor.

For major progress, we pulled out a crappy alarm that was installed, pushed the LS1 wiring harness through the firewall (quite a pain in the ass) and pulled the fenders to prevent damage while working on the car.

Well, the car has Tokico Illumina struts all around but unknown springs. If anyone has ideas, I’d love to identify them.

Lettering is PFS SUS 009 SF I believe.

Hoisted up on jackstands and wheels off. I need to either helicoil the passenger side caliper or replace it. The kid who put on the stainless lines managed to strip out the threads for the hydraulic connection. Oh well. Notice the creeper creepin’ out of the engine bay. Convenient place to put it!

I’m liking these wheels more and more. Still not sure what they are other than Sterns.

Mike (mpd47) unhappy with pushing the wiring through.

The offending caliper. I’ll probably have a shop helicoil it for cheap.

Me, working on some wiring stuff.

No fenders, but the harness is on the right end of the car at least! This was the most major accomplishment by far. I need to find a stock rubber grommet to put in there though, I’m pretty sure that I don’t have one, but I might find it. If anyone knows of one for sale, I’ll buy it.

The stupidly extensive Bose system that came as an option on the FD. I want to keep it for now, I’m interested in how it sounds, but it’ll go when it either gets in the way or I decide to upgrade the stereo.

All the alarm crap and a radar detector hardwire kit. I’ll be rewiring a hardline for my V1 at some point, but it was tied into the alarm wiring and I just wanted that crap GONE.

So, tomorrow I’ll be buying a spot weld drill bit (or borrowing one if anyone local has one I can use for some $$) and attacking the front end for a bit. I also will be dropping the fuel tank to replace the fuel pump and start to run the new fuel line that came with the Hinson kit.

I have a bit, you’ll want a new cutterhead if you want it, mine are kinda dull. No $$$ needed.

Great progress so far!



The stupidly extensive Bose system that came as an option on the FD. I want to keep it for now, I’m interested in how it sounds, but it’ll go when it either gets in the way or I decide to upgrade the stereo.


fuck that


I have a bit, you’ll want a new cutterhead if you want it, mine are kinda dull. No $$$ needed.

Great progress so far!


Thanks, but unless you’re in Roc, I probably won’t bother getting it. Hoping the one place that I found selling Blair ones will be open tomorrow. If not, I’ll go looking…

Nope, Angola. :frowning:

Either way, offer stands. :tup: GL with it. :slight_smile:

Thanks again, with Dr. Destructo on the job (mpd47), I’m sure we’ll figure something out.


What’s that Captain Carnage?

Ordered a PS pump for $40, going to get lines coming for $110 shipped. Now I just need to figure out who properly mods the pump to drop pressure. Whee!

Coming along!

those are peter farrell springs btw, i believe

Cool cool. We got t3h internets in the garage now. Got the busted piece off and the new one set in place. Next up is figuring out a good mounting system for it and tearing into the fuel system.

Also ordered this:

Full update + photos coming later, we’re just waiting on some pizza now.

So, another 2 steps forward, one step back day today. I got the front piece that was wrecked pulled off, after a couple hours of drilling spotwelds and chiseling them out. For the steps backwards, I pulled apart a lot more of the interior, including pulling out the BOSE system.

Speaking of the Bose system, does anyone have a piece of black carpet for a non-Bose equipped car? I’ll offer the rear Bose setup + carpet in trade, if that helps.

I also need to figure out a fix for my fuel door popper. Not sure why it isn’t working, but the cable is definitely not pulling back the spring loaded plunger that latches the lid. I’m very tempted to just remove the popper and figure out some silly magnetic setup or something. Let me know if you have any ideas that retain a stock look from the exterior.

On to the photos!

Whee!! Destruction!

Trying to find that sweet spot to chisel…

The fruits of my labor.

The new piece set into place. Looks like it should be easy to bolt on with 4-6 bolts per side. I’ll be taking detailed photos in case anyone wants to replicate this (not worth the work unless you’re already going to remove the piece.

Off with the steering wheel and center console. Wheel is off for the Sparco replacement while the console is out to get some more room to work when welding reinforcements for the transmission mount.

The only rotor this engine bay will ever see again!!

Crappy fuel pump housing thing. Anyone know where I can get a new one and for how much? It’ll kill me to put this rusty POS back in, so hopefully I can just replace it for a reasonable price.

Big stupid Bose system (well, only part of it…yes, there’s more).

So, that is all for this week. Over the next few days, I’ll be nursing my battle scars and looking for parts that I need. Expect another update on Friday/Saturday.