A lot of ugly mounts IMO.
taken long enough but ill quicky explain the reason behind it.
Took my silvia on the student gumball when on my way home this happend!! dont buy cheap rear tyres just because your going to kill them in a event. (should of stuck with my falkens but didnt want to ruin them)
wasnt hurt at all and no one else was involved.
then found this in Mr henners shed so i bit his hand off as i loved my old rx7.
thougth screw it be interesting totransfer the sr20det engine into the fd, ino ino its not a rx7 anymore but i want to just do it for fun and then after a year i will 20b it.
the Advans off the silvia fitted perfectly on the FD! and my steering wheel!
What I will need to look at:-
New sub frame mounting points.
Customised Gear box and differential mounts.
Customised suspension.
Customised gear leaver.
Customised Prop shaft.
Roll bar/toe arm mounting points.
Customised Exhaust mid section.
Customised bonnet .
sorted the bonet i just cut away abit of the front member!
hey chengster! you goin to the meet week after next.
i needed tien nissan front coils /pillowball mounts and rear ******* so i got
two sets of both from japan for the price of half of one set lol!!!
and this *** woop
neet to get a FMIC now and rad which i smashed

subframe and steering rack connected
put the engine in to day and the bonet hits the rocker cover so i need to make a vent/buldge
will now take the engine back out after ive made the Gearbox mount!
whats left then is
take engine back out and clean it/ and fit new bits including a nice new rocker cover from japan not that white one
Connect the suspension shokcs and roll bars
Put engine back in plug hoses
then put in intercooler and Rad
Make a custom gear leaver
Send up to buffy to get it wired
Send to prospeed to finish exhaust
holes cut and smoothed ready for the top mounts, just have to paint it to tidy it up.
engine in and awaiting wiring.
to do this week
Fit intercooler and radiator.
Fit gear box mounts.
Fit new suspension.
finished all the suspension arms !!
top mounts will be here friday
gear box mount and diff mount are bein made up at the moment
fitting rad and FMIC 2moz
just a lil preview on what its going to look like. its gettin sprayed the same colour purple as the rocker
intercooler fitted
custom gear box mount also fitted
another pic of the box mount. there is a steel plate that ill need to fit under the rubber mount as i have just put a 5mm bolt there to get the right measurement. thats gettin made tonight, along with the I beam mount and the custom gear leaver!
pic with bonet and bumper on
the car is getting sprayed this colour.
Custom gear leaver done
Brace bar done
only think left now is diff mount + propshaft
and engine wiring and pipe work
picking my top mounts up monday from lionel @NTF
i then got bored so i did this
differential mount done today.
prop shaft only needs to be longer by12mm so im contemplating whether to make a spacer???
sprayed my welded mounts black to make them look a bit beter and protect from rust.
only thing in waiting for now it my dam topmounts which should of been here friday!!! i can send it up to get wired then!
gregs turn to get attacked by sparks this time!
well i got stopped in my tracks!!! bit of a slight camber problem! need to make new custom lower arms!! that will be fun!!!