How To stop snoring?????

just like you i snore like a fiend, my wife HATES IT, on my side im ok on my back not so good, you ever have your tonsels out? Or got poped in the nose?, My ENT(ear nose throat) doc told me that if i had my tonsels out it would really alleviate my unease in sleeping. I had a diveated septum (cartilidge overlap) in my nose an had that operated on a few years back that did make a difference. Alot of those over the counter snore remidies dont work tried it been there never again. Or call one of those sleep apnea centers and they can bring you in for a sleep study and see what may be the primary route cause for it. Note i deal with asthma as well are you on any kind of medication (cortisteroid )or wake up wheezing or tight?