Almost one month at home and still can't sleep well...

it’s so strange.

I can’t sleep well on this really comfy king sized bed.

I just lay down and toss and turn and think about shit. :frowning:

I think I just miss Buffalo.

But I know I’m happy with so much down here…

man I really hate loving this place…

but yeah, this “can’t sleep” thing is screwing me… :frowning:

About to hop in the shower, maybe that will work.


you think you cant sleep?

i work 10:30pm untill 7:00 am every night, then when i get home, i have a puppy that DEMANS attention every 10 mins. so i dont sleep, at all, ever.

i got like 2 hours today (mon) and now im at work, and ill prob get like 2-3 hours tomarrow.

I used to have a lot of insomnia problems. still cant fall asleep once in while. but when i got older i found that a couple of beers, and/or :pimp: puts me right out

if you change your name back to sleepy that might help… in the mean time here is a new avtar for ya Daddie-o!

if you want the full sized one… pm me i shall send it to ya…

i have to wake up early tomorrow to do some reading, so I’m just chilling here right now drinking some yuenglings. ah, sleep therapy

i haven’t been able to sleep well for almost a week. not sure what it is.
you’re in nyc… party it up til you’re exhausted or call some ubrf girls or something

huff some reddi-wip you asian dancer

You need someone else in that bed with you… :hitit:

But seriously, it will get better with time. It always does. :tup:

Benedryl a day will take all your troubles away :tup:

I’m serious, take it a half hour before bed, you will sleep like a rock, and maybe right thru the alarm clock…

^^benadryl will work, but when i take it i feel as tired as when i went to bed…

dude – try 3mg of melatonin, should be available at like any drug store.

Have a shot of crown, just one shot. :bloated: :stuck_out_tongue:

But i can relate, except its been about 15 months for me :bloated:

That’s kind of different. There is never a night over there that you don’t sleep with one eye (or in my case, both eyes) open.

(and yes, you can sleep with your eyes open).

you just miss eating sushi with me…just admit it.

aw howwwwwwiieeee… it was so good to see you this weekend.
buffalo’s not too far away :c )

Give it time, I was the same way. Even though I was happier down here when we first moved, I still had trouble sleeping.

umm this is when your right hand’s your best friend.

seriously pound that shit like it’s mike tysons face and you have 3 shots to knock him out and if you dont then he gets 3 shots on you.

if anyone can stay awake after a beating like that then i shall call you Vin Diesel.

nyquil+tequila… about a shot of each and here comes baby sleep.

i have the opposit problem. i have a temprupetic bed and i cant get up in the am no matter how long i sleep