how to tell abs or not?

may sound stupid, but how do i tell if my 240 has abs or not?, it’s a 92 LE coupe, sr20det

omg… do u have a big box thingy on ur passenger side with brake lines going into it?

well sinse it has a sr swapped it its probably not even working even if u have it.

Stop posting NOW. What does an SR have to do with the braking system?

As mentioned before. The ABS module is in the corner of the enguine bay by the firewall on the passanger side. It is an aluminum box with a bunch of brake lines going in and out.

It being there does not mean that it is working though. Check to see if any of the lines are plugged.


Take the car for a spin and slam your brakes. If they lock then you do not have ABS. If you feel the pedal ‘pumpin’ rapidly then you do. I suggest you try this on snow since it will be easier to tell if you don’t know how it should feel.

k thanks guys

lol i always thought that it wouldnt due to wiring, because of my old s13 had abs but didnt work when i swapped in my sr. maybe my abs was messed up aswell.