how will nys catch speeders???

I know it’s against the law…but does anyone here actually think it is unsafe traveling at 80mph on the I-90?

us 1
big brother 0

It doesn’t seem like theres a foolproof way for the state to implement something like this, also sounds like a huge violation of privacy with auto trackers.

privacy will be going out the window once the national id cards are issued with the rfid chip inside them

im sure if the stickers ever did come out, in a week there would be 10threads on how to shield or disable the chip… sounds like a bunch of porky pies to me, fuck the gov. if theyre going to instate something like this. if i want to go 150mph at 2am when nobodys there thats a risk i take and know the consequences, but thats a crock of shit if im going to automatically receive tickets for going 66mph… im not worried though this wont happen any time soon if ever…

and who is to say the owner of the car is driving it … cause you cant ticket the owner, if someone else was the one speeding.

once again RFID chips are easy to deactivate

Who knows, with illegal immigrants getting NYS licenses I guess anything can happen. I still maintain that this is a bit far fetched and I hope I’m right, I don’t like the idea of being watched where I’m going. I think there are more ways this can be abused than the advantages it poses.

Theres too many if ands or buts that make this impossible to implement.

Pretty much word for word of your dumbass buddies myspace post.

EZpass can not give you a ticket. /thread

this should fall under invasion of privacy, making you rock a tracking chip in your car is ludacris, and will probably result in nation wide anarchy and protest.

(the inside of your vehicle is the same as the inside of your house, the same rules apply)

I wouldn’t stand for it, remember you can register outta state without a problem, expecially in vermot (you dont even need a title in vermont)

Or you could just read the link 2 posts up and realize this is a complete and total myth.

Strip in the registration sticker - that’s a good one. If they could make the ezpass dohicky small enough to work as a strip on the registration sticker, don’t you think they would??? And ezpass will NEVER do something like this, because it would kill business for them.