how will nys catch speeders???

so my buddy posted this on myspace… im not sure how true it is…but it wouldnt surprise me one bit considering the constant movement towards a police state our country has been going through

   		 			Subject: EZPass & Vehicle Registration Info

New York State started a pilot program upstate north of Albany on the Northway to catch speeders using the Easy Pass system. Recording devices were installed at intervals along the highway. Once an Easy Pass equipped vehicle passes, the device registers the account number and the time. Same is again registered at the next “check-point”. Based upon the distance between the register points and the posted speed limit, the state is sending speeding tickets in the mail to the guilty persons.

Because every driver does not have Easy Pass, the State is “perplexed” as what to do to impose the system state-wide. The solution has been found. Soon all new vehicle registration stickers will have a metal strip or chip imbedded in same. This will take the place of the Easy Pass system as stated above. When a vehicle passes the registering device, the strip will relay all the information.

This is not fictional. New York State contracted with VERIZON to install the system. The system has already been installed and the entire Bronx River Parkway in Westchester County has been “wired” for when the new system begins. Once the State makes the new program public and advises all motorists of the potential for numerous speeding tickets, it will also reveal that the system has already been installed.

Another reason that will be given for the new system is to enable the authorities to track stolen vehicles, to trace kidnap victims, to monitor and trace suspected criminals and terrorists, etc.


Pass this along to every one you know.

Paul W. Meyer, Jr. Attorney & Counselor at Law
(914) 961-3000
(914) 961-4993 Fax

Last I heard this wasn’t being done. Maybe it changed.

Always get your factual and up to date info from the internets #1 news source myspace :tup:

or learn how to comprehend what you read

If a chip was installed in a piece of paper, umm, remove it. Illegal with possible fines, but then again so is speeding. The worst thruway speeders are out-of-staters/canucks anyway.

It is an impossible internet Myth.

If they did that you would still have to account for people stopping at rest areas and in that case if it took them an hour to get somewhere you would have to site them for imprudent speed on the low side.

It will never be a reality.

^ truth. There’s a few threads on here about this already.

If they start giving out tickets to people using ezpass and happen to be speeding, wouldnt people stop using ezpass? Thats one huge reason id never use ezpass, the possability that they can do such a thing, and have in the past…

i know in other states they also have to get a picture of you, in the drivers seat, for red light tickets…Article doesn’t mention anything about photos.

I was always nervous on the R1 with the ezpass, getting from a to b in half the time it should have taken. They could easily tell the average speed, which for some trips, I’m sure would have been over the limit. Always though I’d get a ticket in the mail.

This talks about just small sections of road, not toll booth to toll booth which makes it a little more believable.

Probably not true though.

faraday technology. research and use it. i do.

Absolutely untrue. There are too many circumstances that could come into play, therefore throwing the time system off and voiding the speeding tickets.

those who live in glass houses…

this aint new. this has been going around since EZPass 1st rolled out in NYS.

Hell, its been going around the internet for years now.

Are you new here?

spoken like a true professional… lol

no im not…just have been lurking for a while

and my "is it true"question wasnt about the ezpass… it was about the sensor and chip thing, that was new to me

to catch speeders using the Easy Pass system.
[SIZE=3]yes, a rehash of the same old myths.[/SIZE]

I know on one really fast trip to Syracuse I couldn’t wait to get my ezpass statement to see what my average speed was. Came out to something like 83.x mph average. Never heard a thing from NYS about it.

Fuck Ezpass and NYS.

Microwave teh stickers if they ever come out.

RFID Chips are easy to deactivate. Real easy

EZ Pass will get you busted in divorce court though. So if you’re sneaking off down the 90 to see the mistress while telling the wife you’re working late you better keep the EZ Pass in that little blocker bag it came with.