HTC Supersonic

did you sell the 1, without putting it up for sale on here? :cry:

It is. I made the thread before the reveal at CTIA 2010 at 4:30pm yesterday.

It’s called the HTC EVO 4G.

If a mod can change the thread title, that would be good.

No, actually I worked a deal with sprint where I sent it in under warranty and got a the TP2 in return. :slight_smile: I posted about it.

iphone > *

^ Stuck in 2008


iPhone better hit the ball out of the park with it’s next release or it’s going to be WAY behind the game. It only does like 2 things better than the other phones. Keyboard and internet, and even that is debatable now. Also, Sprint might be offering Data and Voice at the same time (talk on the phone and surf the web) with this new WiMax/4G. That will take away AT&T’s last card if it happens.

In other rumors, Palm has been rumored to have sent out/going to send out a memo saying they are switching to developing for the Android OS and integrating WebOS INTO Android. Kind of like HTC Sense. No more WebOS by itself. Hopefully this isn’t true, because WebOS is quite nice. It just needs to be paired with better hardware (with specs of say the Droid or this EVO 4G). Plus, having WebOS around will make Apple OS and Android OS try harder to make themselves better. Competition is good.

Link: Palm switching over to Android with WebOS UI? - AfterDawn

I don’t even own an iphone so suck my brown taint

Saw this on Android Forums and :rofl’ed

haha nice!

Slightly off topic but did who on here ever came across a time where they went to use internet while on the phone and couldn’t? Or to the Iphone users, how many of you knew you could surd the internet while talking on the phone? I, like many I’m sure, never had the faintest clue I couldn’t surf the net while talking on the phone as I never had any reason to try until the commercials came out.

I tried it on my phone and co uldn’t…but I had no need to. I just did it cause of the commercial myself lol. I guess if you’re a super busy person, you may need to. But even for the heaviest of users (I’m a really heavy user of my phone), I never had the need to.

I’ve actually implemented it about a dozen times since the commercial. It’s an occasional thing for you to even need it, and it’s definitely not the holy grail.

Keep in mind, Iphone is dated, it’s quite a number of years old now without any revolutionary updates, all these manufacturers better learn and make superior phones. However I’m sure Apple isn’t sitting still itself and will come out with the new version that will once again revolutionize the market.

Hopefully just in time for my next upgrade :lol

They better. Or that picture I posted will be true.


Competition is good. I just can’t stand people who STILL say the iPhone is THE best. It clearly is not. And it’s on the worst network. Maybe when Verizon or T-Mobile get it.

iPhone is not the best, but no other phone has BLOWN it out of the water yet either. Other phones are better here and there, or even overall, but it’s so marginal that no iPhone user thinks their phone is no longer adequate.

Well yeah. I agree with you. But all the iPhone users I hear are the ones saying, “Your phone name here is a piece of crap. Get an iPhone.”

That is why I can’t stand most people that use Apple products. They act as if they are the pinnacle of everything electronics related. This include laptops, music devices, and phones. It’s all fanboi’ism.

The funny thing is, I hate everything Mac, but I couldn’t live without the functionality of the iPhone.

Elliot (Slwrthnu) on the other hand, has everything Mac but hates the iPhone.

I edited my original post to say ‘most users’ lol. Everyone is different. And everything has it’s pro’s and con’s. I give credit where credit is due. The iPhone was built very well. My Pre on the other hand is a POS when it comes to the hardware. I’ve been one of the lucky ones who hasn’t had a cracked screen, severe screen wiggle, etc. But there are a lot of complaints about that stuff on the forums.

If they put WebOS on a phone like the Droid or Evo, it would be AWESOME. WebOS in and of itself is SWEET.

The iPhone definitely has room to improve cause it’s been so stagnant. They need to change carriers and then put out the new version of the OS and we’ll see what happens.

dont argue over the iphone ,

if it wasnt the best phone overall, there wouldnt be so much talk about it, what other phone do you know that still being talked about as long as the iphone ?

I mean MAD phones came out since the iphone, and no one is talking about them, not for this length of time…

I dont use an iphone and don’t want one, i prefer WM because of the tech stuff I can do with it is far and beyond what an iphone can do…

but there are things, like the touch screen, and hardware that the iphone just does BETTER than any other phone that came out…

there is tons of phones that will do a few things better than the iphone… but what phone is the END ALL be ALL successor of the iphone? NO phone exists right now

everyone is DESPERATELY trying to find an iphone replacement, and it just hasnt happened…

don’t hate on the iphone because of that… don’t look at inferior phones and try to put them up in the limelight because you are sick of the iphone…

I use an htc touch pro, dying to get the touch 2, no hardware difference other than a better touch screen and keyboard and headphone jack… same cpu and ram… but i do use the HTC sense UI, that is modded by community dev’s and i say it ROCKS, 10000% better than the old touch flo 3d

if i remember right, touch flo 3d was first made by community devs before htc got their hands on it ? not sure tho…

touch flo was def developed to copy the iphone flow of touch swiping for scrolling etc, before that it was uncomon for windows phone to have any scrolling motions and swipes recognized by your finger

supersonic looks hot and its rumored , maybe now confirmed, to be the first 4g device on the sprint network… if so… rock on… but i wont be getting it… i’ll be waiting a few more devices down the road before going all out again…

windows mobile 7 coming on the horizon soon, im waiting for that, tho the requirement is 1ghz processors

edit: saw the specs for sprint... front facing camera, sprint finally went for this? htc pushed the front camera on nearly every high end phone model ... good to see it finally confirmed in the US

Yes, it is the first 4G phone. It will be able to use 3G and 4G depending on your area (Albany is not on the list of 4G spots for the time being).

Thats what I was saying, before the commercial I don’t know of anyone that knew it was or wasnt possible depending on the carrier. Kinda funny you never think to use something until someone tells you its possible.