Hudson VALLEY!!

Oh well i never get chips and a drink :lol So maybe that’s why i think i’m getting fucked on pricing :lmao

Yeah the sub is like 5 something, for basically the same price you can get a bag of chips and a fountain soda as well. :lmao

if you ever have time to wait, or theres not alot of people in there, get a steak and cheese sub with A1.That shit is the best

you guys should post up when your going to the deli, so we can meet up, i dont have anybodys # but time and place and ill be there. i usually eat at the ny pizza, pretty good food.

btw, did anyone see the black s14 parked up there? looked sick.

We usually meet there around 12 for lunch

Yeah sloey always texts me but I never end up going. One of these days though… :lmao

I never know if anyone is from this site…every single time there 2 guys talking theyre taking about an exhaust on their car r something.

BTW…taco bell is cheapest for most food.

Look for the cars in the parking lot. :lol I never walk over because I go right to work after I eat. Not sure about every one else, though. I know Joey (k20) drives there.

Yeah i always have the civic, just because i’m on lunch from work so i meet with a bunch of people up there that have a break at 12 or around 12…Usually it’s Me, LKSwhy, Stallmer (Globe1280), Sean (psi2high), 30r_logik, sometimes bfol, sometimes Adam (94GT5.0) and usually DJ (Allstar Graphics) shows up as well.

u im in Western Civ waiting for class to start .mad bored. kid next to me smells like pot :wtf ::slight_smile:

Im in the Auto Lab right now. in the office takin appointments

In the comp lab by where you get id cards. :idiots

Im in English :excited

I was wondering how you were still posting… :ninja

Me too :ninja


At Siena Lib. ;D

F hvcc :nana

