HUGE INSIDE Car and Motorcycle Expo April 9th and 10th

At least tell me so I can come watch!!!

just read this! ill stop by sunday on my day off, what are the hours for both days?

Will there be wet t-shirt contest or pole dancing competition with hot chicks? :rofl

Is there a site for more info such as registering? Or is it strictly just vendors?

Damn, prolly wont make it, the 9th I’m getting the bike tuned and the 10th is opening test & tune at LVD.

You won’t run it, just like you didn’t last year! :ohnoes

LOL last year I wasn’t going to waste money for one run and be told to get off the track because I don’t have full leathers.

BUUUUT I just received an email that my 2 piece fully attachable leathers are shipping out today! So I shall be running it opening day (pending weather of course)

You can borrow Mikes ass-less chaps and run.

Not sure how this is gonna be with the snow we’re getting…

Its a week away so this snow will probably be gone by then

Hopefully, with this dumb ass forecast were getting.

They still let ya run, I’ve gotten yelled at every time. “Next time you need a kill cord and full leathers to run that fast!” Ok yep next time I promise.

Idk with this weather though I might not be riding out opening day if it’s freezing.

Mike lets his ball bag hang out when he runs, slowgto stylez.

See the last time I tried that they didn’t let me back up to the line…although it was a weekend, Wednesdays they seem to be a lot more leniant, but yeah if its cold unless I trailer the bike there I won’t be going, so I’m hoping for warm weather.

Ive got sunday off! Ill be there

Ill be there in the at the inline booth. with bobs svo and justin cosseys 2g

i am def. in. it should be a good time!!

see you there McSwain.

yeah buddy. you goin to dubs on defrost tomorrow??

prolly not bro

I’ll definitely come by either day. If anyone wants to cruise lemme know!