Huge nerd? Want to learn about hacking?

Here is a good hack analysis of a recent JBoss hack. Nothing ground breaking and an old exploit but kind of cool to read how simple some botnet drones are.

CFP Closed

List of talks are here -

Lockpick Village should be interesting if you want to learn how none destructively open locks

Oh and if you wanted to go I would register and get a ticket now only 40 left.

Do you have to stay for all of it? I want to go, but if my Wife is working, then I’ll have to make sure the dogs get to go out.

You can come and leave whenever…

Schedule Posted -

I need to do something like this. my computer skills consist of Turing my computer on and off.

Ill be there for sure. Now I have a good reason to get a garbage plate!

That mentality is like saying, I launch model rockets pressing a button, I am gonna go to NASA and learn astrophysics.

Why the hell are they starting at 8am on a Saturday? Stupid hackers.

Went with a co-worker…good shit. Thanks for posting and letting us know about it.

Good times

I was there, picked up some good info. Thanks for the post.

Rochester security summit is later in the year and has business/tech/mgmt tracks its usually pretty good also.

On the tech side it usually gets some pretty well known speakers and its fairly cheap for a conference.

completely forgot about this.

Decent turn out around 130ish people.

wish I could of made it…