Huge PS3 Problems???

just saw the article posted on /.

if the PS3 is really that much slower than the 360, than its just gonna be the 360 vs. Wii. I’m actually really looking forward to the new nintendo

I understood about half of that. But it didn’t sound good.


^ lol

360 4 L

Man that sucks if it’s for real. I can see MS winning this round easily. Sony has to many question marks and hiccups to have them be as successful as they want to be down the road.

sony ran out of things to copy, thats why.


I am waiting for itsJim to chime in, telling us we’re all stupid for believing this…

thats ok, let the sony leghumpers spend 2x the price on a slower machine.


I want the slowest machine possible

Yeah, you’re right. You are (in a way). Read some of the comments on the slashdot article if you want a better understanding.


Sony traps their customers into buying the machine, anyone who needs grand tourismo, needs to have GTA as soon as it is released or the Flaming fantasy games. And then theirs the leg humpers that insist that minidisk players are better than mp3 players…

someones gonna lose their job

“steak in the heart” lol I think he meant “stake”

Read the article a little while ago… and laughed. Read some of the comments on /. … and laughed. Considering Sony’s track record, I will not be the least bit surprised if the PS3 falls flat on its oversized face. Most people learn from their mistakes, but there are always the few pig-headed ones that continue to think that they’re always right. :gotme:

I’ll probably still pickup a PS3, when Gran Turismo comes out, but I’m not gonna be in any rush to own one. I’d rather watch Sony crumble to the ground… mostly because they’ve always been a cocky technology company that barley gets by, mostly because of the market share that they hold.

meh, ill go to matts and play it. :slight_smile:

But all that dsm man love is bound to rub off on you.

nah, his dick is broke like his car

I hate Sony with the firey passion of 1000 suns. However to clarify.

The “Local Memory” is the RSX graphics memory. The Cell shouldn’t need to read this. The PS3 would still work even if the Cell couldn’t read this memory at all. This memory is where you store textures and other graphics data.

The 256MB of RAM connected to the video card is really only good for vertex data and textures, so you are only left with 256MB to run the executables in. The practical implications of this information means that Linux will only be able to use 256MB of RAM. The RSX(graphics card) can render out of it’s own local memory or main memory(almost as fast as local mem), anything that needs to be modified by the Cell must stay in main memory because of this bandwidth issue.

Luckily, games contain a lot of static models and static textures that will easily fill up the 256MB of local mem on the RSX; stuff that the Cell would never read from…

In other words, that is in reference to the CPU reading the graphic’s memory. Something that is rarely or never done in programming. The only thing the CPU will do with it is send it new information which is why the read speed is so slow. (Ex. Models/textures) Information that shouldn’t be read by the CPU from there in the first place.


I still can’t see how this console won’t be a flop though. Crash and burn like woah.