Hugo Chavez @ the Copenhagan climate summit

Not that many of you will care about this, but this kind of pissed me off. Here is a mass murderer scolding the US for our crimes against humanity.

He hates capitalism and the world economy except when it’s time for him to send another oil tanker to America of course.

Edit: Heres the story from a more reputable source.

Chavez is like an internet troll. He just likes to say what he thinks will piss everyone off.

Standing ovation? That is my biggest concern of that story.

He should be happy. He hates capitalism, and we’re about to do away with that anyway.

lol nice jay

FOX News told me Chavez is bad.

Well, he has been closing golf courses because it’s a “sport for the rich” and you can’t have that in a socialist utopia:

Sounds like a bad guy to me :wink:
Cesar Chavez > Hugo Chavez